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勞資關係論叢 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Development and Change of Japanese Employment System Establishment
作者 李天軼
The so-called Japanese style employment system, in a narrow sense refers to three characteristics of the Japanese employment system, consists of ”lifetime commitment (permanent employment or long-term employment)”, ”basic survey on wage structure”, and ”enterprise union”. These three characteristics are considered to be ”the imperial regalia of Japan” reaching high growth in Japanese economy and making Japanese enterprises more competitive in the post-war era. This paper aims at exploring Japanese style employment system. It begins with generalized analysis on its establishment and development in the post war, and relevant research. Next, I analyze its external economic environment, internal social and cultural foundation, and the change of Japanese employment system after the Japanese economic bubble in the 1990's. So far, in Japan, under the circumstances of low economic growth and aging society with fewer children, the proportion of Japanese enterprises with ”lifetime commitment” changed little in middle and old age (40s to 60s) core staff, but decreased in the young age (20s to 30s). Furthermore, the curve of ”wage growth” scarcely increased for the age group of 40 and above since 2000. As a result, it reveals that ”basic survey on wage structure” has been unable to match ”lifetime commitment” perfectly and it is no longer an important incentive especially for young people.
起訖頁 1-21
關鍵詞 日本式僱用制度Japanese employment system終身雇用lifetime commitment年功序列basic survey on wage structure
刊名 勞資關係論叢  
期數 201207 (14:1期)
出版單位 國立中正大學勞工關係學系
該期刊-下一篇 減緩外籍勞工逃逸措施、留任承諾與內控性向關係的研究--以台灣楠梓加工區菲律賓籍外勞為例




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