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The Exploration of the Determinanis of Employee Quits and Inter-Firm Wage Changes
作者 盧信昌莊如松
本論文主旨在於探討員工離職與異動前後薪資變化之成因,並以高科技產業技術研發人員為實證研究對象,重要結論如下:1. 工作搜尋 (配對 ) 理論以及人力資本理論,對於勞工的離職都具有相當程度的解釋力。年資較長、工作經驗較豐富、有博士學歷、未婚者、或是在規模較大的公司工作之勞工,其離職的機率較低。 2. 貨幣工資並不能代表全部的工作報酬,因而對員工離職的影響並不顯著。本研究藉由衡量員工個人對其工作特徵的滿意程度高低,期以將其他非貨幣性工作報酬也納入總工作報酬之中,並重新評估其對於員工離職的影響。結果發現:工作滿意度愈高的員工,離職機率愈小,而「學習新觀念、新技術的機會」是影響員工離職與否最重要之工作特徵。 3. 工作異動,誠如工作搜尋理論所言,可使勞工個人獲得更高的配對品質 (或是效用滿足 ),無論是貨幣工資或是非貨幣性工資者皆較佳。而員工的年資較長以及跨產業更換工作時,對於其異動後的工資卻有負面的影響,顯示特殊性人力資本確實存在。另外,員工離職所具有的外部性,在本研究中也獲得實證的初步支持。
This paper, taking R&D engineers in high-technology industries as study objects, tries to explore the determinants of employee quits and inter-firm wage changes.The main findings can be summarized as follows:1.Search (Match) theory and theory of specific human capital account for quit phenomenon. The probabilit of leavinga jobdeclineswithbothtenureandlabormarketexperience. Additionally, those workers who are unmarried, possess doctor degree, or work in lager firms are less likely to quit.2.Pecuniarywage, presentingonly partal value of a job offer, has no significant effect on quit decision.Re-proxied by workers' degreeofsatisfaction overcertainjobcharacteristics,work remunerationshows negative relationship with quits.Furthermore, among all of the job characteristicsconsidered, "opportunity to learn updating concepts and skills" is the one that workers cherishthe most.3.Voluntaryturnovers, as search theory predicted, contributebetter match quality(higherutility) for workersthemselves.Meanshile, we find that thereare negativerelationships between tenure and inter-industryjob changing, on the one hand, and inter-firm wage change, on the other, which demenstratesthe existenceof specifichuman capital.Finally, the externalityof quitgetspreliminarysupportthrough empirical evidence.
起訖頁 77-118
關鍵詞 員工離職工作異動薪資高科技產業技術研發人員
刊名 勞資關係論叢  
期數 199706 (6期)
出版單位 國立中正大學勞工關係學系
該期刊-上一篇 工作場所禁煙在美國所引起之法律爭議
該期刊-下一篇 人力資本對臺灣經濟成長貢獻的評估




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