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A Survey on the Students' will of Continuing Study in the Department of Social education, NTNU
作者 林振春吳秋莉張琦敏楊惠卿
The purpose of the survey was to investigate the students' will of continuing study after graduation in the Department of Social Education. A self-made questionnaire was administered to 92 Studeents, the data obtained were analysed by X-square test, and the major findings were as follows: 1. More than 50% students planned to study in graduate level. They hoped to get a MS or higher degree, but most parents of them had no opinions about this. 2. The reasons for entering NTNU were: 1) families' encourgemenl, 2) eager to be a teacher. 3. Most students expected to enter local universities for continuing study except NTNU, and most of them hoped to major in sociology. 4. 'Self abilities', 'obligation of service' and 'financial difficulities' were the major problems the students warrying about in considering their advanced study. 5. Most of the sutdents expecting to go on study started to collect the relative information, to prepare the entrance examination, or to train the language ability. 6. 81% of the students thought the training or course the Department of Social Education offered was insufficient in preparing the entrance examination of graduate institute.
起訖頁 205-243
刊名 社會教育學刊  
期數 199106 (20期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學社會教育學系
該期刊-上一篇 台灣社會歷史現實分析--以社會運動為經、國家機構為緯
該期刊-下一篇 老人智力功能研究之探討




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