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Troublesome Symptoms in Cancer Survivors
作者 李昕宜許玉娟陳佳慧 (Chia-Hui Chen)
癌症生存者(cancer survivor),早期定義泛指罹患癌症,治療後最少五年以上沒有再受此疾病影響者。Mullan於1985年重新定義癌症生在者的標準為「從被診斷的那一刻開始,與癌症和平共處的時期,直到這一生結束」,此定義使人們更了解癌症生存者,也鼓勵病人更樂觀地看待病情。在台灣,癌症生存者的存活率逐年提升,癌症已被視為一種慢性疾病,然而,社會普遍對此族群缺乏足夠的了解,更遑論提供良好的支持與照護系統。本文將簡介癌症生在者常見的五項困擾症狀,包括癌因性疲憊(cancer related fatigue)、疼痛、認知功能障礙(cognitive impairment)、性功能障礙(sexual dysfunction)/不孕(infertility)、和精神/情緒困擾(spiritual/emotional distress),並介紹臨床照護的重點,期盼此文章能增加各界對癌症生存者之了解,並逐步發展相關的照護指引與支持系統,以提千廣大癌症生存者的生活品質。
The term "cancer survivor" was originally defined as patients who are free from cancer for at least five years after treatment. In 1985, Mullan redefined ancer survivors, expanding the time span from the moment of diagnosis to death, including the period of living with cancer. The new definition not only enables people to gain a better understanding of cancer survivors, but also helps patients hold a more positive view toward the disease. With the advances in treatment, cancer survivors have increased dramatically worldwide as well as in Taiwan. Cancer has been viewed as a chronic disease. How to better support and care for these growing cancer survivors has become a global issue. This article briefly introduced the five most common symptoms of cancer survivors and their clinical care, including cancer related fatigue, pain, cognitive impairment, sexual dysfunction/infertility, and spiritual/emotional distress (i.e. anxiety and depression). We hope by increasing public understanding of cancer survivors, care guidelines and supportive systems will be developed to enhance the quality of life of this growing population.
起訖頁 355-360
關鍵詞 癌症生存者生活品質cancer survivor/cancer survivorshipquality of life
刊名 台灣醫學  
期數 201405 (18:3期)
出版單位 臺灣醫學會
該期刊-上一篇 透視攝影及介入性放射診療之輻射安全
該期刊-下一篇 運用術前準備照護計畫降低兒童與父母之焦慮




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