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A Model to Avoid Internet Addition Based on Theory of Habitual Domains
作者 張瓊娥陳光榮
由於過渡的依賴以及未能有效的理解出網路使用的真正價值,使得人們沈浸網路的世界中,而無法警覺、自拔。此種無法控制對上網行動所佔據的時間及精神,以至於健康、生活等受到甚多負面的影響,即為網路成癮症(Internet addiction disorder,縮寫作IAD),亦作上網成癮症。此種網路成癮與人們的習慣有相當大的關連性。而在習慣領域(Habitual Domains,簡稱HD)理論中提出所謂的「有效重新結構的構想」(Efficient Restructuring Hypothesis)指出隨著注意力的調度,大腦能有效地重新結構、組合我們的思想、概念和訊息,就能有效地分散對壞習慣的注意力,而建立起穩定的好習慣。此種再架構是“焦點解決治療(Solution-Focused Therapy"的一種技巧,本研究的目的是以此種觀念為礎,根據人類腦細胞記憶存取之方式,配合習慣領域觀念的延伸,建立「避免網路成癮」之模式,從而徹底解決網路成癮所帶來的各種負面之現象。在模式中,提供並建議網路使用者透過了解自我習慣的認知,首先,期盼能對網路成癮的狀況給予平衡紓緩,然後,正確地轉移他們的生活目標,最後,當他們在接觸電腦網路後會立即啟動自我克制之電網,避免網路成癮所帶來之身心傷害。
The Internet Addition Disorder (IAD) is kind of internet addition that comes from people highly depend on the use of internet and can not figure out the truly value of internet use. While our time and mind occupied by the action of internet become uncontrolled by ourselves it will result in the negative effect in our health and life. The Habitual Domains Theory posits what is called "Efficiently Restructuring Hypotheses" points out while the attention allocation change, the brain can restructure to assemble our ideas, concepts and information and then disperse our attention of bad habit to build up good habit steadily. This kind of restructure is the technique of solution-focused therapy. The paper is based on the assumption of solution-focused therapy to build up a model to avoid internet addition and effectively solve the negative phenomena produced by internet addition.Many suggestions are proposed to internet users to understand self-habits. Firstly, look forward to alleviating the state of internet addiction. Secondly, shift the goal of their life correctly. Thirdly, develop "self-controll circuit patterns" in the brain which will fire up automatically while they get in touch with internet. These suggestions will avoid damage physically and psychologically because of internet addition.
起訖頁 039-054
關鍵詞 網路成癮習慣領域電網internet additionHabitual Domainscircuit patterns
刊名 習慣領域期刊  
期數 201106 (2:2期)
出版單位 社團法人中華民國習慣領域學會
該期刊-上一篇 台灣發明家的習慣領域剖析之質性研究
該期刊-下一篇 服裝設計創新教學應用研究-以習慣領域之「八擴」與「九深」為例




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