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Application Research in Innovative Teaching of Fashion Design-Examples from Using the %22Eight Basic Methods%22 and Nine Principles of Habitual Domains
作者 張翠園 (Tsui-Yuan Chang)陳建雄 (Chien-Hsiung Chen)陳高生吳文芸
Through the observation of design process and work from fashion design students, this case study research probed the use of "eight basic methods" and "nine principles for deep knowledge" of habitual domains to explore the extension of fashion design creativity from the teaching outcome of fashion design course. This research identified the following:1) During the design preparation phase-students often utilized "active learning" and "retreating" from eight basic methods, and "inner-connection principle" from nine principles to enhance the spiritual dimension and to complement the design. Meditation, deep and down principle, and void principle were rarely used by students.2) During the design process phase-"active association" and "alternating principle" were often used by students in developing creativity, followed by "contrasting and complementing principle", "contradiction principle", "brain storming", "changing the relevant parameters", and "changing the environment". "Revolving and cycling principle" and "changing and transforming principle" were rarely applied.3) During the design completion phase-"Projecting from a higher position", "contradiction principle", and "brain storming" were utilized by students to inspect design work. Only one student applied the "cracking and ripping principle".Creative design has an unlimited space. Fashion design teaching can apply the "human" view point that can guide students to expand habitual domains and to learn various ways to stimulate creativity. They will be able to effectively turn this into their own field and to continuously develop creativity. Fostering the design capacity is a deeper education that requires long term polishing and enlightenment. Although it's difficult to meet the short term effect, long term enhancement of habitual domains can establish student's core values and will go a long way in their learning.
起訖頁 055-086
關鍵詞 服裝設計創新教學習慣領域創意Fashion DesignInnovative TeachingHabitual DomainsCreativity
刊名 習慣領域期刊  
期數 201106 (2:2期)
出版單位 社團法人中華民國習慣領域學會
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