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The Influences of Mechanistic and Organic Recovery Approach on Recovery Performance: An Empirical Validation of Online Retailer
作者 李家瑩李國瑋吳綾娟
Facebook 為現今最具代表性的社群網站之一。本研究基於基礎人際關係導向觀點,探討虛擬社群中的共同願景、信任、社群參與對社群認同與社群忠誠造成的影響。研究對象為國內具有使用虛擬社群之使用者為樣本,利用網路問卷方式回收有效樣本342 份,並採用偏最小平方法進行分析。研究結果發現:(1) 基礎人際關係導向中的歸屬感、情感、控制等構面顯著影響共同願景與社群參與;(2) 透過共同願景與社群參與之中介效果,歸屬感、情感、控制構面對信任皆有顯著影響;(3) 共同願景、信任、社群參與顯著影響社群認同,而社群認同也顯著影響社群忠誠。本研究發現使用社群網站能夠表達自己,建立個人連結網路,並透過它發展和維持社群關係。最後,根據本研究之分析結果,提供網路服務經營者與相關領域之研究者建構網路社群環境及管理層面之建議。
Facebook is one of most representative social network websites nowadays. This research explored the impact of shared vision, trust, and social participation on the social identity and loyalty from the viewpoint of fundamental interpersonal relations orientation towards virtual communities. The participants are from 342 virtual community users as the sample finally via online questionnaire survey. Partial least square was applied to assess the reliability and construct validity of the outer model, and examine the proposed hypotheses of the inner model. The results showed that: (1) Fundamental interpersonal relations orientation including belonging, affection, and control significantly affect the common vision and social participation; (2) Through the mediating effect of shared vision and community involvement, the belonging, affection, and control had the significant impact on the trust towards the virtual communities; (3) Common vision, trust, community participation significantly affected community identity, and community loyalty is influenced significantly by community identity. This study found that users can express themselves, create a personal link to the network, develop and maintain social relationships via the adoption of social networking sites. Finally, managerial implications, suggestions and future works for academics researchers and social networking service providers are discussed.
起訖頁 277-307
關鍵詞 機械式服務補救機制有機式服務補救機制補救效能補救問責補救績效Mechanistic service recovery mechanismsOrganic service recovery mechanismsRecovery efficiencyRecovery accountabilityRecovery performance
刊名 電子商務學報  
期數 201409 (16:3期)
出版單位 中華企業資源規劃學會
該期刊-上一篇 部落客意見領袖信任轉移影響之研究:推敲可能性模式觀點
該期刊-下一篇 虛擬社群使用者忠誠度之實證研究:基礎人際關係導向觀點




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