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The Study of Trust Transference Impact of Opinion Leader (Bloggers) on Consumer’s Purchase Intention: An Elaboration Likelihood Model
作者 陳純德陳美如 (Mei-Ju Chen)
隨著電子商務交易的日益頻繁,網路購物失誤情況也與日俱增,服務失誤可能導致消費者的負面觀感,而服務補救可視為扭轉頹勢的機會。本研究延伸Homburg and Fürst(2005)的研究,以企業角度探討機械式服務補救機制對補救效能的影響,且將有機式服務補救機制視作為干擾變數納入考量。此外,本研究亦探討第一線員工執行服務補救時之補救效能與補救問責,對於補救績效之影響。研究結果顯示:機械式服務補救機制中的程序準則及補償準則對補救效能有顯著的影響,由於行為準則意謂著第一線員工必須額外付出更多情緒勞務,因此第一線服務人員並無法單靠著行為準則就達到補救效能,故需要搭配有機式服務補救機制中的獎勵制度以及培訓制度才能有效的提升補救效能。此外,補救效能及補救問責皆對補救績效有顯著的影響。
The prevalence of online transactions increases the occurrences of service failure during online shopping. Service recovery failure is a driving factor in customers choosing to switch service providers. Service recovery can be regarded as a chance for firms to compensate and rebuild the relationship with the customers. This study applies Homburg and Fürst’s (2005) research by focusing on the service recovery mechanism at firm level. This study investigates the influence of mechanistic service recovery mechanism on service recovery efficacy. This study also investigates the moderating roles of organic service recovery mechanism on the relationship between mechanistic service recovery mechanism and service recovery self-efficacy. This study also explores the impacts of the frontline employees’ service recovery efficacy and service recovery accountability on service recovery performance. The results indicate that the process guideline and the outcome guideline of mechanistic service recovery mechanisms significantly impact employees’ service recovery efficacy. Besides, organic service recovery mechanism moderates the relationship between behavioral guidelines of mechanistic service recovery mechanism and employees’ service recovery efficacy. Finally, this study confirms the interrelationship among service recovery efficacy, recovery accountability and recovery performance.
起訖頁 247-275
關鍵詞 部落客意見領袖認知型信任轉移型信任推敲可能性模式BloggerOpinion leaderCognitive-based trustTransference-based trustElaboration likelihood model
刊名 電子商務學報  
期數 201409 (16:3期)
出版單位 中華企業資源規劃學會
該期刊-下一篇 機械式及有機式補救機制對補救績效之影響:以線上購物業者為例




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