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Online Gamers’ Psychological Traits and Their Impacts on Switching Intention: Examining the Moderation Effects of Variety Seeking and Risk Taking
作者 徐世同 (Shih-Tung Shu)
隨著企業、政府與民間的綠色意識日益提升,善盡環境社會責任逐漸成為企業共識。企業實施綠色資訊科技可以減少營運成本,提升企業形象和財務績效,因此綠色資訊科技的實施,對於現代企業來說已經變成首要努力的目標。本研究透過文獻探討,以紮根理論歸納綠色資訊科技27 項活動指標,整合生命週期四大面向與管理策略三大途徑,提出承諾實施綠色資訊科技架構。然後以16 家國內筆記型電腦產業與跨國筆記型電腦品牌商的企業社會責任報告書為對象,以內容分析法分析公司承諾實施綠色資訊科技程度與策略。並提出兩部分命題:國內部分包含「國內筆記型電腦產業承諾實施綠色資訊科技主要著重於戰略途徑」等七個命題;跨國部分包含「台灣筆記型電腦品牌商在深度綠化途徑承諾實施綠色訊科技之意願較不足」等五個命題。
With the rising of green awareness, practicing environment social responsibility has dominated a common consensus among enterprises. Green information technology (IT) benefits many enterprises with a promotion of good images as well as a reduction of operation cost. This study categorizes 27 indicators into the four product life cycles and three green approaches with a support of literature reviews of grounded theory. Then, this paper conducts the content analysis from the corporate social responsibility (CSR) report of 16 companies including note book (NB) industry chain and brand vendors in Taiwan, USA, Japan and Korea. The paper proposes seven propositions for domestic notebook industry chains, one of which is they focus on committing the strategic approach to implement green IT. In additions, it presents five propositions for international NB brand venders. One of which is brand vendors in Taiwan tend to show lower commitments to implement the deep green approach when comparing with international NB brand venders.
起訖頁 689-722
關鍵詞 線上遊戲品牌轉換意圖多樣化搜尋風險承受On-line gameBrand switching intentionVariety seekingRisk taking
刊名 電子商務學報  
期數 201212 (14:4期)
出版單位 中華企業資源規劃學會
該期刊-上一篇 應用整合型科技接受模式與創新擴散通用模型於企業導入數位學習之多層次分析
該期刊-下一篇 公司承諾實施綠色資訊科技之探討--以筆記型電腦產業為例




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