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A Studty for the Influence of Consumer Purchase Decisions in Message Appeal of Blog Word-of-Mouth
作者 邱于平楊美雪
部落格的興起,使口碑的型態從面對面方式轉移到透過部落格文字與圖像的描述進行,其中又以文字的訊息訴求扮演著重要的角色。本研究以 550則部落格口碑作為內容分析樣本,藉以瞭解部落格口碑的陳述現況。此外,也以網路問卷來了解消費者是否會受到不同訴求方式的影響。最後將內容分析與問卷結果相互比對,以探討陳述方式對消費者購買決策的影響。研究結果發現:「影視音樂」與「3C數位產品」類相關訊息內容易受理性訴求的口碑內容所影響;「旅遊札記」與「美食報導」類消費者在面臨購買決策時,易受感性訴求影響;「流行時尚」、「美容保健」、「寵物用品」與「圖書資訊」類的消費者則同時會受到「理性」與「感性」訴求左右其購買決策,而各類的訴求元素也有所差異。因此,若要增加對消費者的影響力,依據各產品類型的差異,來規劃整體口碑的陳述方式,將是部落格口碑傳播者的必要作法。
With more popular of blog using, dissemination of word-of-mouth has changed from face-to-face to blogosphere. In message appeals, texts play an important role. This study not only used content analyze approach to understand blog word-of-mouth statements’ appeals, but also used online questionnaire to investigate the influence of consumers’ purchase decision towards message appeals in blog word-of-mouth. The results show that there has positive relationship of using rational appeal concerning movies and digital electronic products. Emotional appeal has more impacts to tourism and food consumers. Finally, both rational and emotional appeals have positive relationship to fashion, cosmetic, pet supplies, and books; thus, it is suggested that bloggers should provide different message statements according to different products.
起訖頁 919-937
關鍵詞 部落格口碑訊息訴求購買決策Blog word-of-mouthMessage appealsPurchase decisions
刊名 電子商務學報  
期數 201112 (13:4期)
出版單位 中華企業資源規劃學會
該期刊-上一篇 商業智慧系統導入與公司營運績效
該期刊-下一篇 An International Comparison of Mobile-Internet Acceptance: The Moderating Roles of Masculine and Uncertainty Avoidance




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