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Implementing Business Intelligence Systems and Firm Performance
作者 許恩得吳顯忠王存國
According to the resource-based view, implementing a new information system may help firms create sustained competitive advantage. However, the results of academic research have shown that IT investments do not necessarily have a positive effect for firms, a phenomenon called ”productivity paradox.” In nowadays fast-changing global environments, firms have to respond to the change rapidly, and the business intelligence system (BIS) may be the information system that can help firms most presently. In this study, we use the more credible data from listed companies in Taiwan and examine eight firm performance indicators, including profit and cost dimensions, to test our proposed research hypotheses. The result shows that implementing BIS can help firms reduce cost and improve productivity. However, we also find that its effect on profitability is insignificant. Such a result may be caused by other influential factors in the external environment, implicating that it is unlikely to significantly enhance firm profitability with one single information system. Thus, when firms evaluate a BIS, it may be more appropriate for them to emphasize the system's first order effects on cost and productivity.
起訖頁 895-918
關鍵詞 商業智慧商業智慧系統營運績效Business intelligenceBusiness intelligence systemFirm performance
刊名 電子商務學報  
期數 201112 (13:4期)
出版單位 中華企業資源規劃學會
該期刊-上一篇 RFID技術導入機臺製造流程之研究
該期刊-下一篇 部落格口碑訊息訴求對購買決策之影響




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