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A Study on the Application of the RFID Technology to the Manufacturing Flow of Machines
作者 黃敬仁廖麗滿廖麗芬江振恭
企業應用 RFID技術以提升生產效率,期望能監督與掌控更精確的品質、交期與成本,為企業建立更多的競爭利基。本研究目的是藉由導入 RFID技術至機台,掌控整體之製造流程,進而改善作業之效能,提升生產力。本研究運用企業流程模型化與分析(BPMA)方法,並以 IDEF0為工具,分析生產作業流程,進一步予以合理化,藉由進行作業流程之工時分析,了解個案公司導入 RFID系統後,對整體效能具有顯著地提升。研究結果顯示,RFID技術的導入,可縮短工作時數、提高產品品質及服務效能,增加企業的營運綜效與競爭能力。
Enterprises apply the RFID technology to move up production efficiency and desire to monitor and control the quality, due date and cost of manufacturing process more accurately. This will make more niches for enterprises. The purpose of this research is to improve production performance and promote productivity by introducing RFID technology to the manufacturing flow of machine for the case company. In this research, BPMA methodology and IDEF0 tools are applied to analyze the production processes and the processes are further rationalized. By the working hour analysis of production process, we realized that the performance of case company is moved up significantly after the RFID technology was in troduced. The results show that the working hours are reduced, the production quality and service performance are promoted, and the operating synergy and competence are increased by applying the RFID technology to the case company.
起訖頁 873-894
關鍵詞 企業流程模型化與分析機臺製造流程BPMARFIDIDEF0Manufacturing flow of machine
刊名 電子商務學報  
期數 201112 (13:4期)
出版單位 中華企業資源規劃學會
該期刊-上一篇 從多元觀點探討使用者對於電子書閱讀器的採用行為
該期刊-下一篇 商業智慧系統導入與公司營運績效




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