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Eye Tracking Study on the Internet Heavy Users' Cognitive Processing of Information and Navigational Patterns of Online Shopping Websites in Taiwan
作者 黎佩芬賴建都
網際網路於二十世紀誕生後,蔓延至全球,也帶動了電子商務產業的崛起。隨著網路人口不斷攀升,國外網路業者陸續加入本地市場後,未來台灣的電子商務環境競爭將臻白熱化,購物網站的頁面設計與商品訊息置入的效果在競爭的環境下尤其顯得重要。本研究針對網路重度使用者,使用眼動儀(Eye tracking system)調查其對台灣主要購物網站的瀏覽模式及網頁訊息的認知情況。研究發現:Yahoo!購物網的頁面設計較單純,商品訊息呈現清晰,使用者較不易迷失;PayEasy購物網的索引頁、商品目錄頁、次目錄頁的訊息過於複雜,凝視點停留與集中稍多;PChome購物網的各網頁在凝視點與凝視時間累積上呈現不平均的現象;momo購物網的商品目錄頁與商品訊息頁呈現大量凝視點集中與凝視時間停留的情況。
After the emergence of the Internet in the late 20th century, the electronic commerce has developed rapidly. As the Internet users have grown increasingly and foreign Internet retailers have been eager to establish their operations in Taiwan, the electronic commerce industry will be more competitive than ever. In order to survive and compete, the online retailers must organize their product categories and present product information more effectively so that consumers could make better and more accurate purchase decisions. In this research, we conducted eye tracking experiments for the Internet heavy users and tracked their fixations, gaze durations, and scan paths toward major online shopping sites in Taiwan. Results showed that information display in Yahoo! shopping site is more user-friendly. Subjects' fixation time and gaze duration were longer on PayEasy shopping site's index page, category page, and sub-category page. As for PChome shopping site, subjects' fixation time and gaze duration vary across different web pages. Subjects made more fixations and longer gaze duration on category page and detail page of momo shopping site.
起訖頁 517-553
關鍵詞 線上購物網路重度使用者眼動追蹤瀏覽模式Online shoppingInternet heavy usersEye trackingScanpath
刊名 電子商務學報  
期數 201109 (13:3期)
出版單位 中華企業資源規劃學會
該期刊-上一篇 IT Applications that Support Market Orientation and Marketing Capabilities: Two Vital Ingredients for E-Business Success
該期刊-下一篇 整合服務品質與軟體品質的ASP服務策略:中小企業使用者觀點




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