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IT Applications that Support Market Orientation and Marketing Capabilities: Two Vital Ingredients for E-Business Success
作者 盧盈光王存國
儘管2000年至20003之間網際網路公司出現大舉倒閉的風潮,但網際網路環境存在的契機,卻仍然吸引了許多公司相繼投入電子化企業的領域。企業為了能夠在網際網路的環境蓬勃發展,並避免重蹈覆轍,便必須找出電子化企業成功的重要成份。本研究採用市場導向及行銷能力兩個主要的行銷概念,來探究電子化企業成功的關鍵驅動力。本研究探究的結果建議,公司應該發展支援市場導向的資訊科技應用,同時建構企業的行銷能力。運用部份最小平方法(partial least squares)的統計方法進行檢測後,本研究發現:(1)支援市場導向的資訊科技應用及行銷能力對於電子化企業的績效具有直接的增進效果;(2)支援市場導向的資訊科技應用有助於提升於電子化企業的行銷能力;(3)支援市場導向的資訊科技應用也間接透過行銷能力提昇了電子化企業的績效。
Despite the high rate of insolvency of Internet companies during 2000-2003, the opportunities in the Internet environment remain attractive, causing firms to plunge into the e-business domain. To prosper in the Internet world and to break with past patterns, firms must identify the vital ingredients of e-business success. This study used two principal marketing concepts-market orientation and marketing capabilities-to investigate key drivers of e-business performance. The results suggest that online businesses should develop IT (information technology) applications that support market orientation, and build marketing capabilities. With a Partial Least Square (PLS) analysis, we find that: (1) both IT applications that support market orientation and marketing capabilities have direct enhancing effects on e-business performance; (2) IT applications that support market orientation are helpful for e-business marketing capabilities; (3) IT applications that support market orientation also increase e-business performance indirectly through marketing capabilities.
起訖頁 491-516
關鍵詞 資訊科技應用市場導向行銷能力電子化企業績效IT applicationsMarket orientationMarketing capabilitiesE-business performance
刊名 電子商務學報  
期數 201109 (13:3期)
出版單位 中華企業資源規劃學會
該期刊-下一篇 網路重度使用者對網頁訊息認知與瀏覽模式之研究--以臺灣購物網站商品訊息呈現為例




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