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Do You Blog Today? The Effects of the Trust Placed in Movie-Related eWOM on Blogs
作者 周軒逸 (Hsuan-Yi Chou)陳怡伶 (Yi-Lin Chen)練乃華
隨著部落格的快速發展,一方面,其使用人數激增,產生大量口碑資訊,另方面,閱讀人數也快速增加,這使得許多企業都想瞭解部落格行銷的特性與效果,以掌握商機,但目前關於這方面的研究卻相當缺乏。本研究旨在探討部落格的電影口碑,以口碑信任為核心,共進行了兩個實驗,檢視口碑信任的前因、干擾和直接效果。結果發現:(1) 部落客的外表吸引力、知覺互動性、透明度、相似性對於男女性讀者而言,會循不同的背後機制而影響口碑信任;(2) 口碑信任可發揮自我驗證的效果,讀者具有高度口碑信任時,可以強化正面口碑的正向勸服效果,亦可增強負面口碑的負向勸服效果;(3) 口碑信任可直接提升讀者的滿意度和行為忠誠意願,有助於建立與部落格間的長遠關係。
Due to the rise in the popularity of blogging, the number of blog readers and bloggers has increased sharply, thereby generating massive electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM). Many enterprises have begun using blogs for marketing and want to understand the characteristics as well as the effects of blog marketing. However, related studies in this domain are quite deficient. In this study, we explore the effects of eWOM on blogs. We select the movie industry in which WOM is highly influential and important with respect to the audience’s consumption decision. Further, we focus on the trust that people place in eWOM and conduct two experiments to test the possible antecedents, moderating roles, and consequences of this trust. The results indicate the following. (1) A female blogger’s physical attractiveness, perceived interactivity, transparency, and similarity would affect the trust placed in eWOM in different ways, depending on the readers’ gender. For the male readers, transparency would increase the trust placed in eWOM, especially when the blogger is highly attractive. For the female readers, the eWOM disseminated by normally attractive or highly similar bloggers would generate higher trust, as compared to highly attractive of somewhat dissimilar bloggers. Besides, for the female readers, there Is interaction between attractiveness and similarity. (2) Similar to the self-validation effects of thought confidence, trust in eWOM can strengthen the persuasive effects of eWOM. As eWOM trust increases, individuals who receive positive eWOM show more favorable movie attitudes and a higher purchase intention. In contrast, individuals who receive negative eWOM have more unfavorable movie attitudes and a lower purchase intention. (3) Trust in eWOM directly and positively affects readers’ blog satisfaction and behavior-loyalty intentions. The implication of these and other findings are then discussed
起訖頁 661-692
關鍵詞 部落格電子口碑信任自我驗證假說BlogElectronic word-of-mouthTrustSelf-validdation hypothesis
刊名 電子商務學報  
期數 201012 (12:4期)
出版單位 中華企業資源規劃學會
該期刊-上一篇 會計師網站認證標章對網路消費者產品評價之影響
該期刊-下一篇 影響銀行業資料倉儲系統使用者滿意度關鍵因素之研究




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