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Factors Affecting User Satisfaction with Data Warehouse Applications of Taiwanese Banking Industry
作者 黃興進陳瑞甫賴怡瑾
The purpose of this study is to investigate critical factors affecting users’ satisfaction with data warehouse applications. A research framework was proposed based on the results of literature reviews. Then, two rounds of expert panels and an in-depth case study were conducted to validate this framework and its corresponding questionnaire. The survey methodology was used with subjects being end-users of data warehouse applications of twenty-one domestic banks in Taiwan. A total of 265 questionnaires were mailed and 110 valid questionnaires were obtained with a 41.51% response rate. Respondents were all data warehouse related applications; users. Through the analysis of multiple regression technique four critical factors ( including task standardization, top management support, user training, and task difficulty) affecting user satisfaction with data warehouse were identified. These factors do not only provide a good reference for banks that plan to implement data warehouse applications but also contribute to formulate appropriate strategies for improving users’ satisfaction in using data warehouse applications
起訖頁 693-716
關鍵詞 資料倉儲系統決策支援系統使用者滿意度銀行業Data warehouse applicationsDecision support systemsUser satisfactionBanking industry
刊名 電子商務學報  
期數 201012 (12:4期)
出版單位 中華企業資源規劃學會
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