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The Impact of Certified Public Accountant (CPA) Web Assurance Seal on Online Consumers' Product Evaluations
作者 盧正宗祝道松
According to the findings of empirical researches, the most important determinant of shopping online is the fitness of the security mechanisms. In other words, it is an important management issue to explore the web assurance of independent third-party. Hence, the CPA web assurance service not only increases CPA's business coverage but also satisfies the stakeholders' need of professional evaluation in non-financial information. The object of this study is to explore the impact of CPA web assurance seal on online consumers' product evaluations. The research applies experiments to verify the impact of "level of information quality assurance" and "types of information searching" on the product evaluations of price premium and perceived quality. The empirical results show that: (1) According to the application degree of internal and external information, this study categorizes online customers into four types: internal-oriented cluster, external-oriented cluster, information integrator, and non-rational decision cluster. It is also one of the main innovative contributions in this study. This category compensate the previous researches only see all customers as the same group, and the empirical results of these literatures may exist some biases. (2) There are significant differences among the effect of different types of information searching customers on the web product evaluations of price premium and perceived quality (the main effect is significant). Hence, the "information integrator" has the lowest negative expectancy-disconfirmation; the "external-oriented cluster" ranks the second; the "internal-oriented cluster's" negative expectancy-disconfirmation is higher than the "external-oriented cluster"; the non-rational decision cluster" has the highest negative expectancy-disconfirmation. (3) When in the website of high level of information quality assurance (WebTrustSM assurance), the more information searching behaviors customers have, the less the perceived quality expectancy-disconfirmation of product will happen. (4) However, the interaction effect of "level of information quality assurance" and "types of information searching" on the product evaluations of price premium is not significant. It means that the determinant of the product evaluations between the "pre-purchase" and "after-purchase" is "information searching". This finding confirms that customers' price fairness perception is from the cost perceptive to determine product price. No matter what types of assurance seals, those are not the determinant for customers to evaluate the rationality of product price.
起訖頁 621-659
關鍵詞 會計師網站認證標章資訊搜尋期望失驗理論價格溢酬知覺品質CAP web assurance sealInformation searchingExpectancy-disconfirmation theoryPrice premiumPerceived quality
刊名 電子商務學報  
期數 201012 (12:4期)
出版單位 中華企業資源規劃學會
該期刊-上一篇 以社會網路與電影本體為架構之電影推薦系統
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