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A Comparative Study of Flow Experience by Software Industry Entrepreneurs and Information Workers
作者 李鑑軒林子銘 (Tzu-Ming Lin)何靖遠
軟體產業創業家在創業的過程中,享受掌控自己工作目標的樂趣,可是他們也必須面臨經營環境不確定,與管理複雜度高的挑戰;而資訊工作者容易沈浸在資訊科技的滿足中,可是卻又受到使用者的挑剔與客戶需求改變和交期短的壓力。他們的工作生命流感受是否有差異?此生命流經驗是否會影響其工作滿意與生活滿意? 本研究主旨在於比較軟體產業創業家與資訊工作者的生命流(flow)經驗。根據Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi的生命流理論,生命流狀態指的是,人進行工作或活動時,進入了一種完全專注,心無旁騖,渾然忘我的狀態,人感受到其工作的進行是毫不費力的,並且樂此不疲,工作完成後,藉由回顧這樣的經驗,從心中湧起快樂與滿足感。 研究結果發現,軟體產業創業家在生命流、工作滿意、和生活滿意上均顯著高於資訊工作者。資歷較深的管理性資訊工作者的這三項自評分數雖然比資淺的技術性資訊工作者為高,但未達統計上的顯著水準。此外,就整體樣本而言,生命流會正向影響工作滿意以及生活滿意。
While enjoying the autonomy in work setting, software industry entrepreneurs must face the challenge of environmental uncertainty and management complexity. In contrast, information workers, easily absorb themselves into the information technology, are continuously under the pressure from demanding users, requirements change, and tight delivery schedule. Do they experience different degree of flow state in their work? Whether their flow state will affect their work satisfaction and life satisfaction? This study is to compare the flow experience of software industry entrepreneurs and information workers. According to Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi's flow theory, flow state is characterized by high involvement and deep concentration on the job or activity, and one can act effortless. After reviewing such flow experience, one will feel enjoyment and satisfaction. The results show that software industry entrepreneurs' degree of flow state, job satisfaction, and life satisfaction is higher than that of information workers with statistical significance. Senior managerial information workers exhibit higher flow state, job satisfaction, and life satisfaction than junior technical information workers, however without statistical significance. Additionally, take the sample as a whole, flow state positively influences job satisfaction and life satisfaction.
起訖頁 505-526
關鍵詞 生命流工作滿意生活滿意軟體產業創業家資訊工作者FlowJob satisfactionLife satisfactionSoftware industry entrepreneursInformation workers
刊名 電子商務學報  
期數 201009 (12:3期)
出版單位 中華企業資源規劃學會
該期刊-上一篇 從跨層次動因探討資訊系統後採用階段行為之研究
該期刊-下一篇 從展望理論觀點探討網路口碑對消費者購買意願之影響




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