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The Influence of e-WOM on Consumer Purchase Intention with Prospect Theory
作者 陳宜棻
網際網路與電子商務時代的來臨,使消費者有許多的選擇機會。運用網路口碑的魅力,吸引消費者的注意,進而引發購買慾望,增加網路銷售量,是e化企業的行銷者所面臨的重要課題與挑戰。過去研究顯示,人們在作決策時會受到其他人的影響。人們在網路上,會視其他人對產品的評論(網路口碑),為此產品或服務品質良窳的指標,而引發購買意願。本研究以Kahneman and Tversky (1979)提出的展望理論的觀點,探究網路口碑對消費者購買意願之影響,並驗證網路口碑之重要性及影響力,以及展望理論中相關心理效應之存在。本研究使用2×3×3的實驗設計,以網路書店為例,探討網路口碑在不同的框架之下(訊息內容、訊息數量和訊息結構),對消費者心理認知和購買意願的影響。研究結果可提供網路業者行銷策略和管理上的建議,並可善加利用網路口碑的力量,來增加網路的銷售量。
The emerging online economy provides consumers with easy access to numerous choices. Facing numerous options, consumers may make their choices or delay their purchases by a simple click. Exploring factors influencing consumer choices in such environment is an important and challenging issue for marketers. Previous research has shown that consumers are influenced by others when making decisions. Consumers use others' product comments (electronic word-of-mouth) as an indicator of product quality on the Internet and inducing purchase intention. This study presents a 2×3×3 experiment examining effects of online bookstore framing messages on online consumer perception and decision making. The experiment addresses how different framing types of electronic word-of-mouth, i.e., message contents, message quantity, and message structure, influence online consumer purchase intention. Consider using prospect theory (Kahneman and Tversky, 1979) to elucidate human irrational behaviors; the effect of electronic word-of-mouth on online consumer decision could be well explained. Results and implications of this research are practical for online marketers to promote online sales by utilizing the power of electronic word-of-mouth.
起訖頁 527-546
關鍵詞 展望理論網路口碑消費者購買意願Prospect theoryElectronic work-of-mouthConsumer purchase intention
刊名 電子商務學報  
期數 201009 (12:3期)
出版單位 中華企業資源規劃學會
該期刊-上一篇 軟體產業創業家與資訊工作人員的生命流比較研究




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