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Intention to Download Illegal Music Files: An Analysis from Consumption Value Perspective
作者 陳禹辰尚榮安陳祥源
Downloading unauthorized music file is deemed not only illegal, but also unethical, but the peer-to-peer (P2P) systems have boosted its popularity and have become the killer application for the music industry. Increasing acts of law clampdown by government, though, has forced some P2P platforms turned into a legal business models, unauthorized downloading of music is still very popular till now. Music download can be interpreted as a value maximizing behavior that chooses between the values from consuming illicit and legitimate music. This paper presents a conceptual model of music download by looking at the above seldom noticed perspectives. An analysis of 525 samples drew from a survey of P2P users in Taiwan reveals that people are maximizing value while downloading music; and emotional value, epistemic value, and economic value are primary antecedents of behavioral intention to download music; the economic value is also a mediator between other values and behavioral intention to download music.
起訖頁 381-405
關鍵詞 下載意圖消費價值點對點音樂盜版Behavioral intention to download musicConsumption valueP2PMusic pirate
刊名 電子商務學報  
期數 201009 (12:3期)
出版單位 中華企業資源規劃學會
該期刊-上一篇 PATAS:個人化適應性翻譯輔助系統之設計與實現
該期刊-下一篇 決策支援系統使用績效之實證研究:結合任務--科技適配與資訊系統成功模式




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