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The Factors Affecting Performance of E-business after Implementing ERP-The Mediation Effect of System Maintenance and Feedback
作者 李國瑋蔡明田莊立民許惠雯
In the past, the literatures that discussed the relationship between ERP implementation and performance of e-business are mostly in terms of key success factor (KFS) of ERP implementation. Although KSF of ERP implementation is helpful for e-business performance, successful implementing ERP doesn't guarantee long-term performance of e-business. Following the change of environment, the brain drain of employees, the transition of customer need, it will affect the ERP performance. The purpose of this research is to investigate the factors that would affect the performance of e-business after implementing ERP, and to understand which factors will continuously influence the outcomes of e-business. The major findings show that system maintenance plays mediating roles among KSF of ERP implementation and e-business performance. In addition, the moderating effect of employee turnover will abate the relationship between system maintenance and performance of e-business. At last, the moderating effect of knowledge manage ment will enforce the relationship between system maintenance and performance of e-business.
起訖頁 367-393
關鍵詞 系統維護與回饋知識管理ERPSystem maintenanceKnowledge management
刊名 電子商務學報  
期數 200906 (11:2期)
出版單位 中華企業資源規劃學會
該期刊-上一篇 供應鏈關係品質對知識分享、動態能力與創新能力影響之實證研究
該期刊-下一篇 從企業主管的角度探討擁有ERP證照的員工工作表現之研究




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