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A Study on Job Performance of Employees with ERP Certificates from Managers' Perspective
作者 林政坤劉宜菁
This research studies the comparison of job performance of employees who own ERP certificates and those without one (s). We conducted a questionnaire survey from managers´ view. Research results showed that: (1) Most managers agree that employees with professional certificates perform better than those without one (s)in terms of person-job fit, person- organization fit, job performance, and job satisfaction. (2)More than 90% of managers think that different criterion of salary and promotion should be applied to employees with or without professional certificates. (3)Most managers find that those certificate test items are necessary to companies, and are conformed to the requirement of work, industry, and practice. (4)Most managers also agree that professional ability of employees with certificates will positively influence person-job fit, person-organization fit, and job performance; person-job fit and person-organization fit will positively influence job performance, respectively; finally, person-org anization fit and job performance will positively influence managers´ satisfaction toward employers´ job performance. Therefore, business managers agree professional certificates can qualify employers to meet job requirements and hold positive attitude toward their possession of professional certificates.
起訖頁 395-419
關鍵詞 ERP證照個人-工作契合度個人-組織契合度工作績效Enterprise resource planning certificateERP certificatePerson-job fitPerson-organization fitJob performance
刊名 電子商務學報  
期數 200906 (11:2期)
出版單位 中華企業資源規劃學會
該期刊-上一篇 ERP導入後影響企業電子化成效因素之探討--系統維護與回饋之中介效果
該期刊-下一篇 A Hybrid Bidding Mechanism and Online Auction Performance: The Case of iPod




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