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An Empirical Study of the Impact of Supply Chain Relationship Quality on Knowledge Sharing, Dynamic Capability and Innovation Capability
作者 林明杰洪秀婉陳至柔
在今日高度動態與競爭的商業環境中,供應鏈關係品質對於企業競爭力的影響,扮演著舉足輕重的角色。製造業廠商積極與上游供應商及下游顧客藉由合作來建立關係,此供應鏈夥伴關係能夠幫助企業運作得更有效率,並且達到雙贏的目標。供應鏈的發展型態、範圍長度、管理技術等成為學者研究的重要議題,但是上下游廠商之間供應鏈關係的品質卻較少受到重視。本研究深入探討在高度動態與競爭的環境中,供應鏈關係品質是否促會進夥伴間知識的分享與廠商動態能力的培育,進而對廠商創新能力的增進產生實質的影響。 本研究所提出之研究架構及假設利用結構方程模式及LISREL 8.7軟體進行驗證與檢定。實證結果顯示,供應鏈關係品質對知識的分享與廠商動態能力都呈現正向的顯著關係,並進而對廠商創新能力的增進產生顯著的影響。研究結果相當支持本研究所提出之概念化模式。
In today's highly dynamic and competitive environment, the quality of the supply chain relationship plays a key role in influencing a firm's competitiveness. Manufacturers aggressively intend to build their association by cooperating with suppliers and customers, and such supply chain relationships help enterprises not only operate more efficiently, but achieve the win-win target. The pattern of development, the scope and length as well as the management of supply chains has been a focus of studies among scholars of development economics; however, few studies have focused on the relationship quality of supply chains between upstream and downstream enterprises. This report is to investigate the influence of supply chains relationship quality (SCRQ) on partners' knowledge sharing and firm's dynamics capability, and whether more leads to superior firm's innovation capability in a highly dynamic and competitive environment. The model and hypothesized relationship are empirically tested using the structural equation modeling (SEM) approach, supported by LISREL 8.7 software. The empirical results suggest that SCRQ has significant positive relationships with the partners' knowledge sharing and firm's dynamics capability. The results also indicate that partners' knowledge sharing and firm's dynamics capability enable the firm to facilitate innovation capability. The results of this study provide considerable support for our conceptual model.
起訖頁 339-365
關鍵詞 供應鏈關係品質知識分享動態能力創新能力Supply chain relationship qualityKnowledge sharingDynamic capabilityInnovation capability
刊名 電子商務學報  
期數 200906 (11:2期)
出版單位 中華企業資源規劃學會
該期刊-上一篇 ERP系統維護管理與企業效益之研究
該期刊-下一篇 ERP導入後影響企業電子化成效因素之探討--系統維護與回饋之中介效果




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