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電子商務學報 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Mobile Commerce Research Status and Trends of Doctoral Dissertations and Master Theses in Taiwan
作者 郭英峰游景文
Under the rapid development of mobile commerce, related research issues have become much broader, making it hard to select a proper research issue. For researchers, understanding the current research situations and trends of development is really an imperative task. However, so far, there is still no research focusing on the current situations and trends of development of mobile commerce. As master theses and PhD dissertations are profoundly influenced by advisors, they can be used to understand the research orientation of domestic scholars in the area of mobile commerce. Thus, based on related literatures, this study developed a taxonomic framework for mobile commerce research issues and methods and used it to investigate the current situations and trends of development of mobile commerce research using a total of 368 theses and dissertations published during 2000-2006 as research samples. The research results revealed a gradual growth in quantity, but a slight decline was also observed from 2005. In the aspect of research issues, managerial issues accounted for the largest proportion, followed by technical ones. In terms of research methods, survey research was most frequently used, followed by system development. The least applied method was secondary data analysis. The results of this study would be beneficial to the understanding of the domestic development in the research on mobile commerce in recent years and the selection of research issues for follow-up studies.
起訖頁 573-593
關鍵詞 行動商務研究議題研究方法內容分析法Mobile commerceResearch issueResearch methodologyContent analysis
刊名 電子商務學報  
期數 200809 (10:3期)
出版單位 中華企業資源規劃學會
該期刊-上一篇 應用模糊層級分析法於電信產業策略聯盟夥伴評選
該期刊-下一篇 知識管理基礎建設與知識管理能力對組織績效之影響--以臺灣電力公司為例




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