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The Influences of Knowledge Management Infrastructure, Knowledge Management Capability upon the Organizational Performance-An Empirical Study of Taipower Company
作者 池文海陳瑞龍彭明光
With fast changing in the information hi-tech each passing day and flourishing development in the internet, knowledge management seems to constitute a rather big challenge to the enterprises. But on the contrary, it becomes a main topic of debate for their success as well at present and in the future. This research was to explore those documents presented and published by the scholars, home and abroad, to research thoroughly the theory aimed at knowledge management, and to induce some variables affecting the relationship among knowledge management infrastructure, knowledge management capability and organizational performance. The questionnaire was also conducted to investigate staff of power supply branches in Tai power electrical power system. When the data was filled out and inputted the computer item by item, the Structural Equation Modeling was utilized to compile statistics and make analysis of it. To Tai power Company, in exploration of the model of this study, it was found the factors, greatly influencing a company's performance and achievements, in turn was knowledge management infrastructure and knowledge management capability. Apparent to all, the knowledge management infrastructure was a critical element in the enhancement of organizational performance. Thus, one conclusion was drawn in this paper that the urgent matter facing Tai power was how to strengthen his knowledge management infrastructure.
起訖頁 595-623
關鍵詞 知識管理基礎建設知識管理能力組織績效結構方程模式Knowledge management infrastructureKnowledge management capabilityOrganizational performanceStructural equation modelingSEM
刊名 電子商務學報  
期數 200809 (10:3期)
出版單位 中華企業資源規劃學會
該期刊-上一篇 我國博碩士論文在行動商務上之研究現況與發展趨勢
該期刊-下一篇 RFMTC行銷模式之理論解析




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