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The Establish of RFID Technology for Management Processes on Logistics of Supply Chain and System Simulation - Taking TFT-LCD Industry as an Example
作者 林懿貞江勝榮楊肇銘
本研究以協同供應鏈物流及導入RFID技術為主,探討RFID技術導入其供應鏈物流作業流程,並使用方法論整合供應鏈與物流。而本研究主要是利用文獻探討、SCOR Model改造設計、專家訪談及個案探討等方式進行。本研究結果將分成三面向做為分析:(1) 以分析透過RFID的物流作業,並且描述出在TFT-LCD產業使用RFID技術的經濟效率 (2) 在供應鏈作業標準參考模式 (SCOR) 提供一系統化及綜合性架構下,本研究應用SCOR Model流程找出供應鏈不良因子,針對不良因素提供改善方針,分析廠商供應鏈績效,進一步以供應鏈流程改造設計,發展出最佳廠商的供應鏈作業模式 (3) 以系統模擬的方式模擬出導入RFID技術後的廠商作業流程。
In this paper, the major concern is the logistics of collaborative supply chain and application of RFID technology. The purpose is to study how the enterprise can solve the problems while adopting RFID technology in their operation processes of supply chain. We used a methodology for integrating the supply chain and logistics. The study used literature re­view、SCOR model for design、carrying on the interview way of experts, and case study etc. The research concludes three points: (1) This research aims to analyze logistics processes through RFID. The benefit to use RFID technology for TFT-LCD industry is also presented. (2) Supply Chain Operations Reference model provides a systematic and comprehensive framework to measure a firm's performance measurement from different dimensions in the supply chain environment. The SCOR Model is used to find out un-effective factors and further provides suggestions. The supply chain performance is also evaluated for process reengineering. Finally, the To-Be supply chain mod el is presented. (3) The system simulation method is used to present the process with RFID technology.
起訖頁 437-464
關鍵詞 薄膜電晶體液晶顯示器供應鏈物流無線射頻技術模擬系統TFT-LCDSCMSCORRFIDSystem simulation
刊名 電子商務學報  
期數 200806 (10:2期)
出版單位 中華企業資源規劃學會
該期刊-上一篇 Activity-Level Information Systems Usage and Distribution Center Performance
該期刊-下一篇 網路消費者再購意圖之研究:轉換成本觀點之分析




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