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A Study of On-line Consumers' Behaviroal Repurchase Intention: An Analysis from Switching Cost Perpsective
作者 陳禹辰尚榮安簡嘉信
儘管網路零售產值快速提升,統計數據卻顯示大多數網路商家的顧客回購率仍然偏低。為了提升營運績效,網路零售商不得不關心如何使消費者持續在其網路商店購物。理論上,提高轉換成本是促成消費者忠誠與再購的有效措施。然而針對網路零售探討轉換成本對再購意圖之影響的研究仍然不多,因此網路商家仍很難有效地管理消費者知覺的轉換成本。本研究以網路及書面方式收集999份問卷,利用LISREL檢驗潛在變項之間的關係,結果發現:(1) 轉換成本與再購意圖成正相關,且心理與情緒轉換成本對於再購意圖的影響較經濟性轉換成本顯著;(2) 網路商家的社會結合策略,會使消費者認知到較高的經濟風險成本及心理情緒成本。這個結果顯示,影響消費者再購意圖的因素,主要是滿足消費者內在的動機與需要的內部誘因。
Although the sale volume of e-retailing is growing rapidly in recent years, empirical evidence, however, indicates that the customer retention rate of e-retialers is still relatively low. To improve their financial performance, e-tailers must understand how to keep consumers shopping at their e-tail sites. Increasing customers' perception of switching costs is a practice frequently used by brick-and-martar retailers to inhibit customers switching to others storefronts. Unfortunately, principles reagarding the management of switching costs is not plentiful enough for e-retailers to resolve their problems, since related researches are relatively scarce. A research model and a set of hypothese were proposed based on the perspective of switching costs. A survey was conducted. LISREL was used to verify the research model. The analysis of 999 questionaaires reveals that: (1) swichting costs are positively related with behavioral intention to repurchase. Specifically, the effects of the psychological and emotional switching costs are more significant than that of economical switching costs; (2) social bonds are primary antecedents of switching costs.
起訖頁 465-490
關鍵詞 再購意圖轉換成本社會結合心理情緒成本網路零售Behavioral intention to repurchaseSwitching costsSocial bondsPsychological and emotional switching costse-retailing
刊名 電子商務學報  
期數 200806 (10:2期)
出版單位 中華企業資源規劃學會
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