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The Effects of Companies' Characteristics, Motivations and Implementation Approaches on the Results of Their ERP Projects
作者 何應欽許秉瑜李泰霖
企業資源規劃系統(Enterprise Resource Planning, ERP)於近些年來非常受到企業界的重視,也因此,有愈來愈多的學者探討ERP相關的問題。雖然如此,吾人對於企業在進行ERP導入專案時,其企業特質與其導入之目的,過程和導入成效滿意度等變數之間,是否有任何關係並不非常了解。本研究將經由實證研究,來了解國內企業採用ERP系統的現況,並就企業特質變數分別與ERP導入過程變數以及導入成效滿意度變數之間的關係,ERP導入目的變數與ERP導入過程變數之間的關係,與ERP導入過程變數與ERP導入成效滿意度之間的關係加以探討。本研究以在2001年3月已完成ERP系統導入且上線的我國企業為研究對象,並透過資策會資訊與電腦雜誌社的協助,取得180件的樣本名單,然後以問卷方式對樣本企業進行調查。研究結果發現企業導入ERP系統的目的對於企業在導入方式時是否進行企業流程再造(Business Process Reengineering, BPR)有影響,但是對於企業在導入方式的選擇上並沒有顯著的影響。研究結果也發現導入過程變數(包括:是否進行BPR與導入方式)皆對導入成效滿意度有影響。最後,研究結果也發現企業特質變數對於導入過程變數(包括:是否進行BPR與導入方式)皆有明顯的影響,但對導入成效滿意度的影響則較不明顯。
In recent years, ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) systems have received a lot of attention because of their potential benefits to business organizations. ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) systems are known for their ability to integrate the information processing requirements of an enterprise. Such ability allows the systems to provide more accurate and timely information to organizational decision-makers and thus help them make better decisions. As the popularity of ERP systems increases, researchers are becoming more and more interested in ERP-related issues. Although there have been many ERP-related studies, many of them are case studies or researches that focus on the key success factors of ERP implementation. Thus, we have not seen any studies that focus on the effects of BPR (Business Process Re-engineering) on the implementation of ERP projects. Nor have we seen studies that investigate the effects that different implementation approach have on the implementation of ERP projects. This paper will focus on learning these effects. In addition, we will also investigate the effects that various factors (e.g., the motivations of implementing ERP system and the characteristics of companies) can have on the ERP projects. A survey was conducted to collect necessary information and various statistical analyses were performed. It is hoped that our results can help companies have a successful ERP system implementation.
起訖頁 51-81
關鍵詞 企業資源規劃系統企業流程再造ERP導入成效滿意度ERP導入目的ERPBPRImplementation PurposesImplementation Results
刊名 電子商務學報  
期數 200303 (5:1期)
出版單位 中華企業資源規劃學會
該期刊-上一篇 A Semi - Structured Process for ERP Systems Evaluation: Applying Analytic Network Process
該期刊-下一篇 應用程序理論探討ERP導入各階段結果之影響因素




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