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Principles of Simplification in Simultaneous Interpreting and Subtitling
作者 楊承淑
本文的主旨是針對介乎口譯與筆譯之間的「簡化」(simplification)現象,探討口語語篇與書寫文本在譯語訊息簡化上的原則並比較其差異。同步口譯與字幕翻譯在話語情境上都必須與不同語言的影音媒體並行,並共有話語行為或影像訊息。而不同的是,同步口譯的訊息包含了書寫文本與即興的話語行為,而字幕翻譯內容則涵蓋了經過編輯的書面及影音訊息。本文將透過Nida(1964, pp. 231-233) 對筆譯中「減譯」(subtractions)的定義與闡釋,對照Barik(1971)對口譯省略的分類、Øverås(1998)對小說翻譯的訊息增減對比、花岡修(2000,2001)筆譯與影視時差口譯的對比分析,以及王真瑤(2005)對視譯、同步口譯、筆譯的對照比較、楊承淑(2006b)的口筆譯簡化類別及屬性描述、林慧如(2007)的筆譯簡化類型及成因分析等,以口筆譯語料及多語言間的翻譯為對象的前人實證研究,對於簡化的屬性與功能加以梳理及描述。至於本研究的語言組合,則採取中、英、日交叉分析的方式進行比較分析。
This paper discusses the principles of simplification in translation andinterpretation and observes how they are different when used with spokenlanguage and written text. Speech situations for simultaneous interpretationand subtitling both require synchronization with media of a different language.They both involve speech acts and image information. However, SI messagestend to reflect the written text (when provided) and impromptu speech acts,whereas subtitling reflects edited text and audio-visual information.This paper examines Nida's (1964, pp. 231-233) findings on the role ofsubtractions in translation and contrasts it with many studies in the same areaof research including: Barik's (1971) categories of omission in interpretation; Øverås' (1998) study on addition and subtractions in literary translation; OsamuHanaoka's (2000, 2001) comparative analysis of translation and visual timelapse in interpretation; Chen-Yao Wang's (2005) study on sight translation,simultaneous interpretation, and translation; Cheng-shu Yang's (2006b) studyon the types of simplification in interpretation and their characteristics; andHuey-Ru Lin's (2007) analysis on the types of simplification in translationand their functions. By analyzing T&I corpora and past studies that focus oninterpretation among numerous languages, this paper aims to examine the roleand properties of simplification on a deeper level. This study also includescomparative analyses that focus specifically on the Chinese, English, andJapanese languages by means of cross analysis.Information is often eliminated and recovered when interpretation andtranslation is carried out under different media. This is caused by a numberof internal and external factors in both spoken language and written text, andthese internal properties and their operational principles are carefully explainedin this study.
起訖頁 43-69
關鍵詞 訊息簡化的類別訊息的可回復性口語話語與書寫文本比較Types of information simplificationThe recoverability of informationComparisons between spoken language and written text
刊名 編譯論叢  
期數 200809 (1:1期)
出版單位 國家教育研究院
該期刊-上一篇 口譯訓練學校之評估作法:臺灣與中英美十一校之比較
該期刊-下一篇 四種翻譯評量工具的比較




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