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Examination of Taiwan’s Contemporary Art: Discourse Analysis of Contemporary Art in Taiwan in High School Textbooks
作者 褚天安
本文以現有高中兩版本具有臺灣當代藝術單元的教科書作為研究對象,運用論述分析的方法對兩版本教科書文本進行分析。本研究所分析高中美術教科書中的臺灣當代藝術論述情形為:一、當代藝術是臺灣藝術發展史裡的一段時期,但是不一定是「更好」、「進化版」,不宜用新、舊的二分法劃分藝術的進程。二、教科書對於臺灣當代藝術的多元現象的論述是相對於「傳統學院派」而言,且較偏重媒材的多元性。三、K 版教科書對於臺灣當代藝術的論述較為籠統,選取的藝術家也比較不完整,從其學習目標來看:對於臺灣當代藝術「未來發展的遠景」僅止於專業美術教育的部分,也無法看出要如何「增進對這塊土地的認同」。四、H 版當代藝術的論述範圍跟K 版非常接近,但是對臺灣當代藝術的特點透過比較的方式歸納相關知識,在論述上較具系統性,但是受制於年代的劃分而使得介紹上容易產生鄉土/當代二元對立的矛盾論述。本文也試圖提出一些對於臺灣當代藝術教材設計的看法,並期待更多美術教科書的後設研究。
This article selects two editions of a high school textbook with chapters oncontemporary art in Taiwan. We borrow the language use and social productionof discourse analysis to analyze the text of the two editions.From the above discourse analysis, it is possible to summarize the presentstatus of contemporary art in Taiwan as it is presented in high school textbooks.It is as follows: (1) contemporary art represents the development of artin a certain period of time in the history of art in Taiwan, but here developmentdoes not necessarily mean “improvement” or “evolutionary.” For thatreason, it is not suitable to distinguish modern art and traditional art as a dichotomy.(2) In Taiwan diversified discourse of contemporary art in textbooksis compared to traditional art by focusing more on the diversity of media ormaterials. (3) The “K” edition of the textbook is more generalized on the discourseof contemporary art in Taiwan, and the selection of artists is quite incompletefrom a learning perspective. The topic “Future Development ofContemporary Art in Taiwan” is limited to professional arts education, and wedo not see any discussion on “how to promote the understanding of ourmother land.” (4) The “H” edition’s discourse on contemporary art is verysimilar to the “K” edition, but the main difference is “H” takes a more systematicapproach by presenting the characteristics of contemporary art in Taiwanthrough a series of relevant knowledge comparisons. But some contradictingdiscourse stems from the fact that “realistic” artworks are categorized by timeperiods, resulting in two opposing views: local versus contemporary art.This study proposes several ideas on textbooks for contemporary art inTaiwan, and hopes that more research can be done for art textbooks in the future.
起訖頁 87-110
關鍵詞 論述分析教科書研究臺灣當代藝術高中美術教科書Discourse analysisTextbook researchContemporary art in TaiwanHigh school art textbooks
刊名 教科書研究  
期數 200912 (2:2期)
出版單位 國家教育研究院
該期刊-上一篇 國民中小學社會學習領域教科書內容銜接情形之研究——以臺灣史「史前文化與原住民」為例
該期刊-下一篇 電子教科書趨勢與發展




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