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Research on the Curriculum Articulation of Taiwan Prehistoric and Aboriginal Culture in Primary to Secondary Social Studies Textbooks
作者 曾榮華秦昇平陳采憶
本研究旨在探討國民中小學社會學習領域教科書銜接情形。採用內容分析法對H 版社會學習領域教科書2007 年版國民小學第六冊及2008 年版國民中學第一冊的臺灣史「史前文化與原住民」單元做內容之分析與探討。本研究首先以質性分析來論述此一單元內各個主題的呈現,符合課程組織中的哪些規準及原則,再針對附圖的重複情況,進行量化的統計探討;最後,透過實徵研究釐清國民中小學教科書的銜接情形,並分析、歸納研究結論如下:一、在課文敘述方面:國民中學教材各個主題大多都能以國民小學所呈現過的內容為基礎,進一步加深加廣,符合課程組織的規準以及原則。唯在「史前文化遺址」與「原住民的社會組織」的主題中,國民中小學教材幾乎完全相同,並無任何加以加深加廣的敘述。另外,在「原住民的生活藝術」主題中,只有在國民小學教材中呈現,國民中學教材對此則付之闕如,更遑論加深加廣的延伸,教材銜接情形有待改進。二、在圖片呈現方面:國民中小學教材除了兩幅圖完全雷同外,其餘圖片均未重複使用,且皆能以不同形式重複展示基礎、重要的觀念,並加深加廣地進行內容的擴充,符合課程組織的規準及原則。最後,根據研究結論,針對國民中小學社會學習領域教科書內容銜接提出相關的建議。
This present study mainly explored the curriculum articulation in primary tosecondary social studies textbooks. The approach of content analysis wasadopted to examine the two units “Prehistoric Culture and Aboriginal Culture”in the textbooks of primary schools in 2007 and of secondary schools in 2008,published by H publisher.The study first involved a qualitative analysis to clarify whether the curriculumcriteria and principles were met in the textbooks. Second, researchers analyzedthe proportion of repetition in graphs by the quantitative method. Finally,the conclusions were provided as follows: (1) The content of the text: Mostsubjects in the secondary textbooks are based on primary textbooks and meetthe curriculum criteria and principles. There are two subjects in secondarytextbooks, The Ruins of Prehistoric Culture and The Social Organizations ofAborigines, which are similar to primary textbooks without any expansion, andso don’t meet the curriculum criteria. Furthermore, Life Art of Aborigines ispresented in primary schools, but is absent in secondary schools. The curriculumarticulation should be improved. (2) The presentation of graphs: There aretwo graphs that are repeated, but the others are different and show the majorconcepts meeting the curriculum criteria and principles.Thereafter, based on the conclusions, researchers provided suggestions to areview committee for textbooks, textbook editors, publishers, and schoolteachers.
起訖頁 53-85
關鍵詞 課程銜接教科書社會學習領域課程組織規準Curriculum articulationTextbooksSocial studies learning areaCurriculum organizing criteria
刊名 教科書研究  
期數 200912 (2:2期)
出版單位 國家教育研究院
該期刊-上一篇 國中國文教科書「修辭法」之分析研究
該期刊-下一篇 評析高中美術教科書中的臺灣當代藝術




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