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Preliminary adolescent drug trafficking organization and its network of distribution
作者 吳吉裕陳巧雲 (CHEN Qiaoyun)
This study focused on adolescent drug trafficking internal organizational structure and the distribution of foreign drug trafficking networks, while understanding the youth drug abuse and drug trafficking transition process, in order to make a proposal to provide youth anti-drug policy , education, advocacy , investigation as the reference . This study used a qualitative research conducted , and a juvenile auxiliary hospital in Taiwan is currently undergoing fertility drug trafficking probation youth educational programs of four, as the study participants , through semi-structured in-depth interviews to collect the data required for the study . The study concluded that the main factor in teen drug abuse and drug trafficking reduced, that the double defeat school and family life 5 in the case of young people can not be attached to the school and the family , leading to cases of dropping out of school and left home , drug addiction and poor partner in tow Meet medicine under the head , taking drugs to cope huge cost , eventually becoming head of drug trafficking in drugs. The teen drug head briefly 4-5 years, has become among the drug trafficking organizations disk head , drug trafficking daily cash handling up to NT $ 500, 000 more than the average daily profit conservative estimate more than 150, 000 yuan . Study also found that the initial age of adolescent drug trafficking head very low, about one to two grades in junior high, with an average age of about 14-15 years old. Drug trafficking organization according to their personnel structure, operation type , management and other features, roughly divided into " gang compound ” local angle head type " and " single type of drug cartels ” and other categories, and drug trafficking organizations operating philosophy of specialization, similar bureaucratic organization and management of the system, from top to bottom four layered architecture integrated production and marketing structure. Trafficking networks according to their characteristics and distribution of the transaction can be broadly divided into " centralized ", " dispersed " and " mixed ", three types of higher -level drug trafficking , trade trends in the more concentrated the distribution network . In addition , the study also found that drug trafficking as a complex risk aversion in order to provide the first action of the police investigation drug reference. Finally , this study strongly suggested that the overall anti-drug operations, should pay special attention to ” adolescent medicine head Qingyuan work, ” in order to effectively cut off the source of youth drug supply. Youth drug prevention strategies should be in the upper and lower investigation advocacy work as a two-pronged approach in order to achieve the “root causes” of the goal, to play
起訖頁 31-78
關鍵詞 青少年販毒門檻理論藥頭販毒網路practical effect of major combat youth anti-drug
刊名 青少年犯罪防治研究期刊  
期數 201406 (6:1期)
出版單位 臺灣青少年犯罪防治研究學會
該期刊-上一篇 建構霸凌行為之需求類型研究
該期刊-下一篇 藥物濫用役男之情緒、生活適應及輔導策略之研究




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