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A Study on the Emotions, Life adaptability, and Counseling Strategies for Soldiers
作者 吳岳秀蔡宗晃
役男藥物濫用影響軍紀與軍力素質的問題,已經受到國際間的重視。然而,軍方是一個封閉的體系,再加上吸毒成因至為複雜,所以國內外欠缺有關役男藥物濫用問題之研究。根據Muisner(1994)藥物濫用學者所提供生物心理社會模型(Biopsychosocial Model)以及Agnew(1992)提出一般化緊張理論(General Strain Theory,GST),之核心觀念「負面情緒狀態」,皆會影響一個人從事藥物濫用或偏差行為。因此,本文即針對藥物濫用役男(以替代役為例)為對象,研究其藥物濫用狀況、情緒及生活適應與一般役男之差異情形及特性,並據以研提一個兼具心理發展、家庭功能及同儕關係之輔導策略。本研究首先對服役中之藥物濫用替代役役男180人(19-23歲)進行用藥現況分析。另立意抽樣72人分別實施情緒適應、生活適應二種問卷進行調查,並安排對照組一般役男72人進行比較其差異性。經研究發現:1、藥物濫用役男用藥成因為好奇心及受同儕影響與美國士兵因作戰創傷壓力需求,顯然不同。2、藥物濫用役男在負向情緒方面之攻擊、言語敵意及疑心向度;生活適應方面之家庭適應、社會適應、工作技能及自主定向能力,與比一般青年相比有顯著差異。基於上述研究發現,提出建議:1、讓役男在服役期間接受轉介諮商輔導,學習處理負面情緒並因應憤怒、恐懼、壓力等,可以避免藉由藥物排解痛苦而成癮。2、另指派服勤單位管理幹部教導其從事公益服務與毒品防治宣導活動,將可增進人際關係。3、安排工作技能訓練及增進生活適應能力,有助於輔導期解決問題,以戒除毒癮。相關研究發現之意涵與建議在文內有具體之討論。
Drug abuse of soldiers has been a problem that affected the military discipline and qualities, and it has brought international attention. Since the military is a closed' system and that the reasons of drug abuse are extremely complicated, there are few studies about drug abuse of soldiers. However, according to the Biopsychosocial Model proposed by Musiner( 1994), and the “negative emotional state’ advocated by Agnew(1992), these factors are important determinants for substance abuse and delinquent behaviors. As a result, drug-addicted alternative services are studies in this article and we researched their condition of drug abuse, emotion and life adaptability to determine their difference with the soldiers. And then we proposed counseling strategies that focus on the three factors, psychological development, family functioning, and peer relationships. First of all, this research is carried out having analysis of drug status to 180 drug- addicted alternative services (aged from 19 to 23) during service. Then we randomly sample 72 regular alternative services as a comparison to have questionnaires of emption adaptability and life adaptability. The results of this research:a. The reason why drug addicted alternative services take drug are curiosity and peer influence. It is obviously different from American soldiers, since soldiers take drug because of operational needs of post-traumatic stress.b. Drug addicted alternative services have significant difference comparing with general young people in negative emotional aspects such as attacks, verbal hostility, and suspicion dimension, also in life adaption like domestic adaption, working skills, and the ability to self-directed. After exploring the results of this research, we offered the following suggestions: a.Altemative services can avoid relieving their pain by drug abuse if they learn how to deal with negative emotion and responding to anger, fear, and stress. Thus, we suggest them be referred for counseling during service, b. In order to improve their interpersonal relationships, we planned inspectors of the departments to teach them to engage in public service and drug prevention propaganda, c. To enhance their life adaptability, we also planned training of working skills, which is also helpful to solving problems during counseling and abstaining drug addiction. Implications and suggestions of related studies are discussed in details.
起訖頁 79-120
關鍵詞 藥物濫用替代役役男負向情緒生活適應drug abuse alternative services negative emotionlife adaption
刊名 青少年犯罪防治研究期刊  
期數 201406 (6:1期)
出版單位 臺灣青少年犯罪防治研究學會
該期刊-上一篇 青少年販毒組織架構及其網絡分佈之初探
該期刊-下一篇 以事件相關電位檢視暴力青少年的抑制與錯誤監控機制




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