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Constructing the Typology of Psychological Needsbehind Bullying
作者 邱獻輝 (Hsien-Huei Chiou)
Some of the existed typologies of bully are not efficient to infer counseling treatments of bullying, and the othersare not derived from evidence-base researches. It is an urgent need of a typology of bully with both counseling function and empirical base. This study, from the perspectives of psychological needs, tries to abstract the rationales from the experience of senior bullying counselors, and then build up a new set of typology of bullying which could be a sorting flame for counselors to efficaciously design strategies modifying bullying. This study bases on constructivism paradigm. Ten senior counselors are invited as interviewees for deeply semi-structure interviews during the data collection. The result defines 7 psychological needs behind the bullying. These needs and discussions related as follows: (a) Look for fun or naively explore the interactions: Describing this need comes from the viewpoints of bullies, so it may be controvertible to the perspectives which are built on the side of the bullied, (b)Attract notice from others: This need describes the rationale that individual would behave badly to acquire notice rather than follow the rules without caresfrom others, (c) Earn peer belongingness: Adolescences value the peer acceptance so much that he is pressured to do the same thing (bully) as them, which will convince him that he belongs to his peer group, (d) Pursue self-identification: When some of teenagers embody wrong belief as his practicing of self-realization, they may become the bullies, (e) Acquire power and control others: From certain perspectives, bulling could be seen as improper expectations and satisfaction of power.(f) Catharsis and flare up: For many instances of bullies, under the appearance of extreme fierceness, the psychological functions of some bullies are really vulnerable, (g) Physiology mechanism: In some cases, bullying might be part of the symptoms of psychological disorder which trigger violence if the client does not find proper ways to transport his overflowing energy.
起訖頁 1-30
關鍵詞 心理需求青少年類型論霸凌行為Adolescent Bully Psychological Needs Typology
刊名 青少年犯罪防治研究期刊  
期數 201406 (6:1期)
出版單位 臺灣青少年犯罪防治研究學會
該期刊-下一篇 青少年販毒組織架構及其網絡分佈之初探




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