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教育經營與管理研究集刊 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

The encountered difficulties, adaptive activities, and their implications for elementary school principals in implementing the new policy of 9-year curriculum reform
作者 黃宗顯 (Tzung-Hsien Huang)
本研究主要是針對國小校長推動九年一貫課程教改政策時所遭遇的行政困難問題、採取的因應方式、以及其所具有的政策推動和學校教育改革的意涵進行探討。為了達成研究目的,研究者先寄發無記名的開放性問眷9 委請南師輔導區之台南縣市及澎湖地區所有的352 位國小校長提供資料,回收之215 份資料經歸納分析後9 再以小團體訪談的方式訪談27 位國小校長以澄清和進一步了解問題。結果發現校長遭遇的困難問題極蓋:政策實施、學校行政運作及領導、課程發展與設計、教師人力及專業投入、教科書選舟、教學改革推動、學生學習、家長支持與參與、校務及課程評鑑等九個層面,每一個層面又包含多項不同的具體困難問題。對於所遭遇到的每一困難層面的問題,校長採取的因應作為亦有多種不同方式多有些具積極性,有些則為情極因應。這些研究成果不僅可以與一些觀有的文獻相互印證,許多具體的研究發現更彌補了既有文獻的不足。此外,本研究成果經分析後發現其真有:政策制訂、行政整合、跨越文化視野、教育主體性、知識風險試驗、和政策評鑑等多種意涵。
This study was to explore the encountered difficu1ties, adaptive activities, and their implications for elementary school principals in implementíng the new policy of 9-year curriculum reform. For achieving the purposes, an anonymously open questionnaire was mailed to all the 352 elementary school principals in Tainan and Penghu areas to collect data. Then, 27 elementary school principals were interviewed for further understanding the research issues. Research findings indicate that the encountered difficu1ties come from 8 dimensions-- policy, school operation and leadership, curriculum development and design, textbook selectíon, professional teachers, student leaming, pa~ent support and participation, and school evaluation. The adapted activities for each difficulty are diverse, and can be classified into positive and negative adaptation. Several implications of the findings are also discussed.
起訖頁 51-72
關鍵詞 國小校長九年一貫課程行政困難問題因應方式Elementary school principals9-year curriculum reformAdministrative difficultiesAdaptive activities
刊名 教育經營與管理研究集刊  
期數 200501 (1期)
出版單位 國立臺南大學教育學系
該期刊-上一篇 海峽兩岸中、小學生創造思考之比較:班級及家庭創造氣氛之分析
該期刊-下一篇 教師教學資訊素養與教學效能關係之研究




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