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教育經營與管理研究集刊 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

A comparison on creative thinking in elementary and secondary schools students between Taiwan and Mainland China: An analysis on classroom and family creative climate
作者 汪榮才
本研究主要在比較海峽兩岸中、小學生之班級氣氛,家庭氣氛及創造表現並分析班級氣氛及家庭氣氛與學生創造表現的關係。本研究之受試者為台南市及南京市320名小學六年級學生及246名初中三年級學生。他們均需接受由研究者所發展的「家庭創造氣氛量表」、及「班級創造氣氛量表」,「中、小學生自然科學創造性問題解決測驗」、「中、小學生自然科學創造性問題解決作業單」,並經由晤談以深入了解其對班級氣氛及家庭氣氛之知覺。 本研究之結果如下: 1.兩岸中、小學生對班級氣氛之知覺輕微地受到地區與年級之交互作用的影響,唯其關聯強度不高,均傾向知覺到較多的正向班級氣氛,較少的負向班級氣氛。 2.兩岸中、小學生對家庭氣氛之知覺無顯著差異,均傾向知覺到較多的正向家庭氣氛,較少的負向家庭氣氛。 3.兩岸中、小學生對班級氣氛之知覺類型大部分相似,小部分不同。 4.兩岸中、小學生對家庭氣氛之知覺類型大部分相似,小部分不同。 5.兩岸中、小學生之創造表現在創造力測驗上有些微的差異,但在實作評量上無顯著差異。 6.兩岸中、小學生對班級及家庭氣氛之知覺與創造表現有低、中度的顯著相關。
The purpose of this study was to compare the differences in students' creative performance, classroom climate and family climate perceived by students across the strait and to explore the relationships of classroom climate and family climate to students' creative performances. The subjects were 320 6th grade students and 246 9th grade students in Tainan and Nanking. The 'Family Creative Climate Inventory', the 'Classroom Creative Climate Inventory', the 'Creative Science Problem Solving Test'and the 'Creative Science problem Solving homework Sheets'were conducted. An interview with some students on their perception to the family climate and classroom climate was conducted. Their responses were tape recorded and transcribed into verbatim protocols. The transcribed protocols were analyzed and interpreted.
The results indicated:
1. The students' perceptions of classroom climate were statistically and significantly influenced by the interaction of areas and grades. However, the strength of association was trifling, and the statistical differences could be negligible.
2. There were no significant differences in students' perceptions of family climate between Taiwan and mainland china.
3. Most of the students' perception patterns of classroom climate were similar between Taiwan and mainland China.
4. Most of the students' perception patterns of family climate were similar between Taiwan and Mainland China.
5. There were statistically significant differences in students' divergent thinking scores between Taiwan and Mainland China. However, the strength of association was trifling, and the statistical differences could be negligible. There were no significant differences in students' performance scores on the 'Creative Problem Sloving Homework Sheets'between Taiwan and Mainland China.
6. Students' perceptions of classroom climate and family climate were significantly correlated with students' creative performance in Taiwan and Mainland China.
起訖頁 1-50
關鍵詞 班級氣氛家庭氣氛創造表現Creative performanceClassroom climateFamily climate
刊名 教育經營與管理研究集刊  
期數 200501 (1期)
出版單位 國立臺南大學教育學系
該期刊-下一篇 國民小學校長推動九年一貫課程教改政策時所遭遇的行政困難問題、因應方式及其意涵探討




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