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The pronunciations of applicability and investigation in 'Amended Table of Mandarin Characters with Variant Pronunciations.'
作者 何佳儒黃聲儀
Nearly a decade has gone by since the "Amended Table of Mandarin Characters with Variant Pronunciations" was issued. Some of the table's pronunciations go against colloquial pronunciations causing confusion for members of the general public and making it harder for teachers to use the table in instruction. In fact some of the pronunciations prescribed in the table are even at odds with computer phonetic input values. These circumstances lead to confusion concerning pronunciation. The goal of this study is to investigate the applicability of the pronunciations given in the Ministry of Education's "Amended Table of Mandarin Characters with Variant Pronunciations." The study first performs a literature review and examines collected data to establish a theoretical basis then develops a questionnaire form and interview survey form as research tools.
起訖頁 51-80
關鍵詞 一字多音國語國語一字多音審訂表Character with variant pronunciationsMandarinAmended table of Mandarin characters with variant pronunciations
刊名 人文與社會研究學報  
期數 200904 (43:1期)
出版單位 國立臺南大學人文與社會學院
該期刊-上一篇 論「射雕英雄傳」的郭靖--以「中庸」「擇善而固執之者也」作為詮解視野
該期刊-下一篇 從三種政治學方法論評價統合主義--以西德經驗為例




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