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The role of Guo-jing in 'The Legend of The Condor Heroes'- an interpretation from the perspective of 'Who chooses what is good, and firmly holds it fast' in 'The Doctrine of the Mean'
作者 施盈佑
Recently, novels of Louis Cha (well-known as Jin-Yong) are highly respected no matter in scholar journals, degree theses or particular books. But when I review previous literatures, I find there is still room to study from the philosophic perspective. In this paper, I discuss the role of Guo-jing in “The Legend of The Condor Heroes” and try to interpret from the perspective of “Who chooses what is good, and firmly holds it fast” in “The Doctrine of the Mean”. To make it simple, I divide “Who chooses what is good, and firmly holds it fast” into two parts: one is about “dullness” and the other is about “wiseness”. From this analytic framework, I find two main results. One is Guo-jing’s dullness is not from his nature-born stupidness but he chooses what is good and is hard to comply with common customs. The other is although Guo-jing is nature-born stupid but when he chooses what is good and holds it fast, he can discover wiseness in his stupidness because he uses hundred efforts when another man succeeds by ten.
起訖頁 25-50
關鍵詞 射雕英雄傳郭靖中庸擇善而固執The legend of the condor heroesGuo-iingThe doctrine of the meanWho chooses what is good and firmly holds it fast
刊名 人文與社會研究學報  
期數 200904 (43:1期)
出版單位 國立臺南大學人文與社會學院
該期刊-上一篇 淡極始知花更豔--李紈形象面面觀
該期刊-下一篇 「國語一字多音審訂表」字音整理之商榷




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