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The evaluation of corporatism in perspective of three kinds of methodology in political science - focusing on the experience of the Federal Republic of Germany
作者 黃鉦堤 (Huang Jeng-Ti)
This paper start from the assumption: collaboration between the public sector and the private sector is based on corporatism. Accordingly, this paper intends to evaluate corporatism with three kinds of political methodology, and take the experience of the republic of the Federal Republic of Germany as example. Firstly, this paper explains the meaning of methodology, and then confines it to the empirical-analytical theory, the normative-ontological theory and the dialectical-historical theory. Four analytical positions are derived from the three methodology, they are conservative position, justifiable position, critical position and Marxist position. The conservative position emphasizes the classical corporatism, and takes the example of the cooperation between state and church after 1945 in the West Germany as example. The justifiable position emphasizes that, the tendency, which the neo-pluralism should transfer to the so-called liberal corporatism, is inevitable, in order to solve the complicated problems in a whole society. The critical position emphasizes the cost of liberal corporatism. The Marxist position emphasizes, that the liberal corporatism hat become a selective corporatism, especially in the fields of unfair distribution of industrial support and finance. The liberal corporatism is therefore a cover-up toward the communism.
起訖頁 81-105
關鍵詞 方法論規範本體論經驗分析論辯證歷史論統合主義MethodologyThe empirical-analytical theoryThe normative-ontological theoryThe dialectical-historical theoryCorporatism
刊名 人文與社會研究學報  
期數 200904 (43:1期)
出版單位 國立臺南大學人文與社會學院
該期刊-上一篇 「國語一字多音審訂表」字音整理之商榷
該期刊-下一篇 我國違憲審查制度之探討




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