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學校人員應瞭解的通報制度與違法責任相關問題之探討   全文下載 全文下載
Studies on Reporting Requirements and Violating Disposition of which School Personnel Should Be Aware
作者 郭慧龍
Current reporting requirements in the country for school personnel are intricate and complicated. After collecting and analyzing related regulations, this study has the following conclusions and recommendations. 1. Terms and requirements that command school reporting are abundant and cumbersome. Ministry of Education should integrate with other Ministries to compile and promote the standard reporting procedure. 2. Not all school employees are included in the regulations, neither were varies regulations consistent on the definition of personnel regulated. Amendments will need to be made in the future to insure indeed reporting. 3. Personnel obligated to the reporting protocol should be defined with statutory interpretation. 4. Employment agreement should explicitly states the reporting obligation for those employees qualified under Labor Standards Act.5. School should clearly define reporting responsibility to prevent sexually related assault, harassment and bullying, as well as general bullying incidents. 6. Improve working education and help employee understand varies regulations and the corresponding penalties that may be applied in conjunction. 7. Penalties for some who violate the reporting obligation are currently without recourse, which is a legal loophole that will need to be filled.8. If the punishment disposition happens before the disciplinary disposition, then when is the timing on which the punishment disposition lost its effect? The Public Functionary Disciplinary Sanction Commission, The Administrative Court, and The Civil Service Protection and Training Commission will have to reach consensus on the timing.
起訖頁 160-206
關鍵詞 通報義務規範對象一事不二罰The Reporting ObligationRegulated PersonnelNo Double Jeopardy
刊名 學校行政  
期數 201311 (88期)
出版單位 社團法人中華民國學校行政研究學會
該期刊-上一篇 新北市國小多元活化課程及其政策轉型決定模式之探討
該期刊-下一篇 校務評鑑人員認證的阻礙與因應




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