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中小學校長以社會資本發 展學校智慧資本之推動策略探討   全文下載 全文下載
How Can Principals Create Strategies of Intellectual Capital from the Practice of Social Capital in Elementary and Secondary Schools
作者 紀家雄 (Chia-Hsiung Chi)陳木金 (Mu-Jin Chen)
In the age of knowledge economy, we mentioned how can principals create strategies of intellectual capital from the practice of social capital in elementary and secondary schools. Because of the creation of school intellectual capital was crucial for the school effectiveness. Principals can practice the social capital of school members to accelerate the circulation of knowledge sharing and to yield the intellectual capital. For this purpose, this article tried to illustrate the significance of social capital to create strategies of school intellectual capital. First, the concept of school social capital was analyzed. The results revealed that school social capital consisted of the following components: collegial relationship, administrative process, school culture, and professional society. Secondly, the concept of school intellectual capital was discussed. We found the school intellectual capital composed of 5 forms: human capital, organizational capital, innovation capital, process capital, customer capital. Finally, we proposed 6 suggestions for the issue of “how can principals create strategies of intellectual capital from the practice of social capital” as follows: 1.To increase the human capital by developing collegial relationship and professional society. 2. To create the innovation capital by developing professional society and school culture. 3. To improve the process capital by developing collegial relationship and administrative process. 4. To construct the organizational capital by developing school culture and public relationship. 5. To acquire the customer capital by developing public relationship and administrative process. 6. To construct the operational system of knowledge capital by using knowledge transfer strategy.
起訖頁 017-034
關鍵詞 社會資本智慧資本中小學校長Social CapitalIntellectual CapitalSchool Principal
刊名 學校行政  
期數 201311 (88期)
出版單位 社團法人中華民國學校行政研究學會
該期刊-上一篇 毛高文部長的教育理念與 面臨教育轉型發展課題之研究
該期刊-下一篇 組織健康概念在學校組織之應用




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