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Governance in Food Safety: Government, Market and the Third Sector—An Experience from Germany
作者 劉小蘭
The typical pattern of supervision that my imagination of food safety management frequently connects with the inspections and instructions from the government has been facing many difficulties of implementation. For example, the workforce, facility, and fund under the government agencies are limited. In practice, the administrative organizations may cause councilor lobbying issues or timeconsuming administrative proceedings, even influence situations of election if they extensively investigate on and punish the violators. It is still a big problem if it is worthy to cause the consequent disturbances for the anticipated efficiency with good intentions. Therefore, there are many problems with the implementation of conventional administrative measures (investigation/ punishment) which spend high costs and obtain low efficiency. However, are there any methods of getting rid of the above mentioned difficulties at the moment that emphasizes the cooperation between the public and the private sectors? For example, in addition to administrative supervisions, are there any possibilities for carrying out the measures of agricultural pesticide control? Is it possible to affect market operations by providing consumers with sufficient information? Is self-management of enterprise one of policy methods? Or shall we take them all? The study takes the management of agricultural pesticide residue in German as an example to explain the diversified channels to take random self-investigations respectively; the channels consist of 1) traditional routine investigation by the government, 2) participation of private sector, and 3) selfmanagement of enterprises. The influences of agricultural pesticide residue on consumers have simultaneously obtained a lot of attention for different responsibilities and interests. We hope that private sectors may publish the information on investigations and relevant results of agricultural pesticide residue under the leadership of relevant competent authorities to gradually establish an agglomeration of consumers and market operations, and reform the situation of masquerade or “Bad money drives out good” to help farmers to obtain reasonable rewards by connecting public organizations with private sectors, and forming work teams. Taking a long-term view, it is helpful for reducing the hazards to soils, water resources, and the variety of creature.
起訖頁 073-094
關鍵詞 公私夥伴關係食品安全農藥殘留歐盟食品政策private public partnershipfood safetypesticides residuefood policy in the EU
刊名 第三部門學刊  
期數 201109 (16期)
出版單位 第三部門學刊編輯委員會
該期刊-上一篇 組織自主性的受限與維護:婦女團體承辦新移民服務的主觀經驗
該期刊-下一篇 兩岸NGO 公益互信的檢視與分析




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