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兩岸NGO 公益互信的檢視與分析
Reviewing and Analyzing the Possibility for Constructing the Mechanism of NGOs’ Publicly Mutual Trust between Taiwan and China
作者 趙忠傑王振軒林宜賢
近年來,中國的改革開放,間接也促成了臺灣公益事業在中國的發展;然而,礙於兩岸分治多年,複雜的政治因素導致兩岸政府對交流的所有作為,都難免存有政治性的考量, 除了從事公益活動的非政府組織( non-governmentalorganizations),較能得以超脫政府部門與經貿組織之外,也較不受侷限地活躍穿梭於兩岸之間。它們從事的各種公益活動,似乎也稍化解了兩岸因政治權力與經濟利益所造成的隔閡,彌補了兩岸既有的鴻溝,進而有促進兩岸社會進入「公民社會」建立更堅實的公益互信機制格局。本研究採用文獻分析法,並輔以部分中國實地訪談的資料進行分析檢證,研究發現, 當前兩岸NGO的公益交流雖逐年增長,但在法律的架構下的NGO公益互信場域仍有待耕耘;而在目前兩岸政治和平穩定的氛圍下,臺灣文教類NGO之交流或許能做為促進兩岸公益互信的先行路徑。
In recent years, China’s reform and opening up have indirectly contributed to development of Taiwan's public welfare undertakings in China; However, owing to the separation for many years, the complicated political factors have led the two governments to the exchanges of all aspects. There are inevitably political considerations except for those engaged in NGO’s public service activities that is easier to transcend government departments and trade organizations, and is less susceptible to confinement for two sides. They are engaged in a variety of charitable activities, seems to have slightly cracked on both sides of political power and economic interests caused by the barriers, both sides make up the gap, and thus promote cross-strait society into “civil society” to build a more solid pattern of public trust mechanism.
起訖頁 095-143
關鍵詞 公民社會互信機制公益資金非政府組織civil societymutual trustpublic fundsnon-governmental organizations
刊名 第三部門學刊  
期數 201109 (16期)
出版單位 第三部門學刊編輯委員會
該期刊-上一篇 食品安全治理:政府、市場與第三部門之協力--以德國經驗為例




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