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Autonomy and How They React to It? The Experiences of Contracted Women Service Nonprofit Organizations on New Immigrant Public Services
作者 韓意慈
This study was to explore the extent of organizational autonomy in the context of social service contracted system. Current literature is not sufficient to understand the perspectives from people working in the nonprofit organizations. This study interviewed 13 managers and workers of 6 women service nonprofits that have contracted with government for years and also provided new immigrant public services in the last few years. The results showed autonomy of the nonprofit organizations was limited in their having management issues inside the organizations, in their compliance with government on services, and in their having mild attitude regarding to advocacy. The autonomy of the nonprofit organizations showed as they could provide updated services, as they could refuse contracts that contradict to their missions or abilities, and as they could connect with other organizations internationally. The implications and suggestions of this study are also discussed.
起訖頁 039-071
關鍵詞 公私部門夥伴關係社會福利民營化非營利組織契約委託新移民服務government-nonprofit relationshipprivatizationnonprofit organizationcontractingimmigrant
刊名 第三部門學刊  
期數 201109 (16期)
出版單位 第三部門學刊編輯委員會
該期刊-上一篇 非營利組織的政策倡議與策略結盟:多元主義與統合主義觀點的詮釋
該期刊-下一篇 食品安全治理:政府、市場與第三部門之協力--以德國經驗為例




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