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The Fuzzy Managerial Talent Assessment Model: A Pilot Study
作者 Liang-Chih Huang (Liang-Chih Huang)Ping-Teng Chang (Ping-Teng Chang)Horng-Jiun Lin (Horng-Jiun Lin)
The purposes of this study are to better understand the criteria for excellent managerial personnel, to build a fuzzy assessment model framework for managerial talent, and to provide a more objective system for the, development of managerial talent well suited for organizational excllence. The experts' questionnaires are used to collect their interval-valued opinions by fully utilizing the concept and the power of the fuzzy set theory. A newly modified fuzzy Delphi method is used to provide the assessment criteria of managerial talent in this study. In the modified fuzzy Delphi method, the membership functions are derived by the use of conjugate gradient method of nonlinear optimization technique. The stability of the fuzzy Delphi iterative survey process is redefined. Through use of the fuzzy synthetic decision, a complete model of the assessment of managerial talent is then proposed. Finally, along with the feed-backs of this fuzzy assessment model with an empirical experiment, a suggestion system of managerial talent is proposed.
起訖頁 71-83
關鍵詞 Assessmentfuzzy Delphifuzzy set theoryfuzzy synthetic decisionmanagerial talent
刊名 Pan-Pacific Management Review  
期數 199708 (1:1期)
出版單位 義守大學
該期刊-上一篇 Dynamic Optimal Expansion for Fuzzy Competence Sets of Multi-stage Multi-objective Planning
該期刊-下一篇 The Taiwanese and American Legal Sea upon Which the Regulatory Ship of Deceptive Advertising Floats




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