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Acoustic Microscopy: Review of Progress in Materials Characterization
作者 Chih-Hung CHiang
Acoustic waves can penetrate opaque materials and provide useful information if properly recorded. Combining the acoustic wave generation, mechanical scanning. and control and dat a processing, an acoustic microscope is a practical tool for nondestructive evaluation of industrial arid medical applications. Not only surface and subsui 血cc images(an be obtained, also stress states arid elastic properties can be evaluated. New technology now under development could provide more accurate interpretation for examining steel structures as well as other engineering materials. In this review, the author shows various techniques associated with material characterization and possible improvements over measurement constrailists.
起訖頁 181-191
刊名 朝陽學報  
期數 199606 (1期)
出版單位 朝陽科技大學
該期刊-上一篇 可產生相關隨機變數的幾何轉換方法
該期刊-下一篇 從GATT規範暨實務論美國培利修正案




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