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Analysis of Learning Involvement and Burnout among College Students in Central Taiwan
作者 林淑惠 (Shu-Hui Lin)黃韞臻 (Yun-Chen Huang)
本研究主要欲瞭解大學生的學習投入與學習倦怠現況,並探究兩者間的相關情形。研究中以中部大學生為研究對象,以「大學生學習投入量表」、「大學生學習倦怠量表」為研究工具,共得有效樣本 1,466份。資料分析過程中先以探索性因素分析瞭解量表因素結構,續以驗證性因素分析考驗量表的信度與效度,檢視因素結構的適合性,最後再應用 SPSS中的描述性統計、Pearson積差相關分析、典型相關分析等統計方法分析樣本資料。研究結果發現:(一)在學習投入方面,大學生以「態度」與「互動」二層面的投入程度較低。(二)在學習倦怠方面,大學生在「負面學習情緒」與「低成就感」二層面感受較強。(三)學習投入與學習倦怠之典型因素呈負向關係:大學生學習投入愈高者,其學習倦怠反而會愈低。
This study examined the learning involvement and burnout of college students and the relationship between them. Research tools included “Learning Involvement Scale” and “Learning Burnout Scale, ” and the sample comprised 1,466 college students from Central Taiwan. Using exploratory factor analysis, the factor structure was first determined, followed by confirmatory factor analysis to determined the model fit. Using the statistical software SPSS, valid samples were analyzed, including descriptive statistics, Pearson product-moment correlation, and canonical correlation analysis. Results showed that students were comparatively less engaged in the “attitude” and “interaction” aspects of their learning involvement, and felt more intensely in the “low sense of achievement” and “negative learning emotion” aspects of their learning burnout. In addition, the students’ learning involvement and learning burnout were significantly correlated, where the higher their learning involvement, the lower their degree of burnout.
起訖頁 051-067
關鍵詞 典型相關分析積差相關學習投入學習倦怠Canonical correlation analysisLearning involvementLearning burnoutProduct-moment correlation
刊名 輔導與諮商學報  
期數 201205 (34:1期)
出版單位 國立彰化師範大學輔導與諮商學系
該期刊-上一篇 大學生親密關係暴力諮商工作之困境
該期刊-下一篇 時間會解決一切嗎?居住時間、壓力因應策略與僑生憂鬱狀況的相關研究




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