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Does Time Heal? A Coping Strategies and Depression in Overseas Chinese Students in Taiwan
作者 駱芳美郭國禎
本研究的主要目的是在探討我國僑生居住時間、壓力因應策略與其憂鬱狀況的關係,研究工具為壓力因應量表 (Ways of Coping Questionnaire)及憂鬱的臨床評量量表 (Clinical Assessment of Depression)。來自台灣北中南三所大學的 214位僑生參與本研究,其平均年齡是 21,包括 76位(35.5%)男生及 138位(64.5%)女生。本研究以徑路分析的方法探討我國僑生在台灣居住時間對其壓力因應策略與憂鬱狀況的影響,以及僑生使用的壓力因應策略與其憂鬱狀況的關係。研究結果發現,僑生居住在台灣的時間可以正向的預測他們使用積極計劃的解決問題、尋求社會支持與扛起責任三項因應策略的狀況;而僑生居住台灣的時間可透過使用積極計劃的解決問題的因應策略來間接負向的預測憂鬱的心情、擔心與焦慮、自我貶抑,以及緊張、孤單與提不起勁;居住時間也可透過使用扛起責任的因應策略來間接預測憂鬱的心情、擔心與焦慮。此外,本研究發現僑生所採用積極計劃的解決問題的因應策略可直接預測他們憂鬱的心情、擔心與焦慮、自我貶抑,以及緊張、孤單與提不起勁的心情;採用消極處理的因應策略,可以直接預測他們憂鬱的心情以及緊張、孤單與提不起勁的心情;採用企盼奇蹟的因應策略,可以直接預測擔心與焦慮的心情;而採用扛起責任的因應策略也可以直接預測憂鬱的心情、擔心與焦慮。據此,本研究提出多項建議作為幫助僑生壓力因應策略的輔導,及未來研究的參考。
The purpose of this study is to explore ways in which overseas Chinese students in Taiwan cope with stress and how this can predict instances of depression in these students. 214 students at three universities in Taiwan participated in this study. The results of a path analysis indicated that time spent in Taiwan was a significant predictor of positive problem-solving and student willingness to seek social support and accept responsibility. It was also an indirect and negative predictor of depression, anxiety and worry, self-devaluation, nervousness, isolation, and fatigue via positive problem-solving, as well as an indirect and positive predictor of depression, anxiety and worry via accepting responsibility. Furthermore, this study found that coping through positive problem-solving was a significant negative predictor of depression, anxiety and worry, self-devaluation, nervousness, isolation, and fatigue. The coping strategy of distancing was a significant positive predictor of depression, nervousness, isolation, and fatigue, while the coping strategy of avoidance was a significant positive predictor of worry and anxiety. Finally, the coping strategy of accepting responsibility was a significant predictor of depression, worry, and anxiety. Based on these findings, several recommendations are made for implication and further research.
起訖頁 069-091
關鍵詞 居住時間僑生憂鬱狀況壓力因應Coping with stressDepressionOverseas Chinese studentsStaying time
刊名 輔導與諮商學報  
期數 201205 (34:1期)
出版單位 國立彰化師範大學輔導與諮商學系
該期刊-上一篇 中部大學生學習投入與學習倦怠之分析




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