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The Barriers When Working with Cases of Intimate Partner Violence in Campus
作者 陳若璋王沂釗
本研究以質性研究之半結構深度訪談方法,探究六位服務大學院校諮商中心之實務工作者,深入瞭解大學校園親密關係暴力處遇的具體狀況。訪談內容含諮商員如何接觸親密關係暴力案件?其案件樣態特性為何?諮商員如何進行案件危險評估?如何決定通報與預警行動?於處遇過程中受到之衝擊、困難及專業需求為何?訪談內容經轉譯成逐字稿後進行內容分析。 幾項主要發現:1.無論加/受害個案皆淡化暴力問題,諮商員大多未覺知暴力問題的嚴重性;2.諮商員不熟悉危險評估的內容,致安全計畫、深入的處遇治療難以進行;3.無清楚通報預警準則,在維護個案自主及人身安全的立場出現兩難;4.暴力循環現象消耗大量資源,諮商員常感到無力與耗竭。因此,本研究提出以下建議:1.學校應對學生、諮商員、教職員進行相關教育,喚起對此問題的重視與防範,減少暴力造成之傷害; 2.處遇過程中宜強化危險評估及安全計畫之演練,非僅陪伴或舒緩情緒;3.防範暴力循環及諮商員之倦怠,諮商中心應發展個管員及諮商員角色區別,強化督導與支持網絡;4.學校應訂立明確通報流程、釐清各單位角色及強化橫向聯繫。
This study explored counselors’ perceptions of their difficulties when dealing with cases of intimate partner violence (IPV) in college. Through in-depth semi-structured interviews with six practitioners (two counseling center directors and four counselors) in Taiwan universities, the following research questions were investigated: How do practitioners first became involved with IPV cases? How do practitioners conduct risk assessment and inform a potential victim of any foreseen danger? What is the impact of counseling IPV cases on practitioners? Research results showed that (1)Both IPV victims and abusers minimized and denied the severity of the violence; (2)Practitioners’ unfamiliarity with risk assessment hindered safety planning and further treatment for IPV cases; (3)Practitioners felt difficult to conduct duty to warn because of unclear guidelines; and (4)Practitioners felt burned out and experienced vicarious trauma because the IPV cases were too resource depleting. Based on these findings, suggestions for future applications and researches were presented.
起訖頁 031-049
關鍵詞 危險評估通報預警親密關係暴力Duty to warnIntimate partner violenceRisk assessment
刊名 輔導與諮商學報  
期數 201205 (34:1期)
出版單位 國立彰化師範大學輔導與諮商學系
該期刊-上一篇 學涯與職涯分類系統之串接:建立大學學系學類之關係描述子
該期刊-下一篇 中部大學生學習投入與學習倦怠之分析




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