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A Study on the Mechanical Efficiency of Power Split Unit of the Toyota Hybrid System
作者 Artde D.K.T. Lam
The power split unit of the Toyota Hybrid System uses a set of planetary gear train. This paper presents a systematic methodology for the analysis of the mechanical efficiency of power split unit of the Toyota Hybrid System. Based on the Graph Theory, a canonical graph representation is proposed to represent the kinematic structure of the power split unit of the Toyota Hybrid System efficiently. New graph representation and the concepts of fundamental circuit theory are used to develop this systematic method. The torque equations and the speed equation of power split unit of the Toyota Hybrid System are formulated using the concept of fundamental circuit theory. Then, the equation of mechanical efficiency of the power split unit can be expressed.
起訖頁 7-16
關鍵詞 Power Split UnitToyota Hybrid SystemPlanetary Gear TrainMechanical EfficiencyGraph TheoryFundamental Circuit Theory.
刊名 Journal of Science and Innovation  
期數 201110 (1:4期)
出版單位 臺灣知識創新學會
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